
1.1 Summary of The Organization

UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund) is a program of the United Nations whose headquarter is in New York. It was established in 1946 by general assembly of the United Nations. This followed the ending of the World War II, which left many children craving for health care and food services in nations that were devastated by this war. In 1953, this organization formed a permanent position in the system of the United Nations (Niemietz, 2012). Currently, UNICEF is involved in the provision of development and humanitarian assistance to mother and Children on a long-term basis. It focuses on people who are living in the nations, which are still developing. UNICEF is among the members of the UN development groups apart from being its Executive Committee. Moreover, the organization depends on donations from private donors and governments to further its course. As such, the organization has made significant steps towards helping children with health care and food services among others.

1.2 Description of The Advertisement

UNICEF TV Commercial Ad 2013.<>

The advertisement focuses on several aspects of the culture of Indians in relation to their social and economic lives. One of the economic activities that the advertisement dwells on is trade in which the Indian citizens are shown to sell foodstuffs and other commodities. On the other hand, the social elements that are revealed by the adverts include the role of women and men in the society. As such, women are shown to take care of children, nursing babies and performing house chores. On the other side men are shown to engage in activities that ate aimed at generating income for their families. In addition, the dressing code of Indians is also depicted in the advertisement. Men are sown to tie turbans on their heads, while women are covered in clothes that reveal their faces only. Thus, the advertisement is thorough as it focuses on many element of the Indian culture.

2.0 Analysis

2.1 Relevant Attention Factors in the Advertisement

Attention involves the allocation of the cognitive capacity with the intention of comprehending a given stimulus. Whether organizations employ TV, print, social media or other form of marketing in promoting their business, it is often significant to get ad preserve the attention of the targeted groups or readers (Xie, 2012). Creation of communications that deliver the intended messages are always not enough to enable the organization achieve the marketing goal. Thus, marketers need t ensure that these messages can be seen, read or heard. As such, comprehending the factors that influence costumers’ attention in relation to marketing is vital (Jayasinghe, 2013). This is because it assists marketers in getting most mileage from their communications.

In this advertisement, UNICEF has explored various attention factors. These include intensity, movement, and contrast. Intensity has been utilized efficiently in this advertisement. This involves the use of features such as the brightness, loudness and length to make a stimuli capture the interest of consumers. The advertisement has been designed using appropriate graphics that facilitate a good view. On the other hand, the length of this advert is also appropriate as it lasts for one minute and three seconds only. This, therefore, helps in eliminating issues of boredom that can arise from lengthy adverts. Movement has also been utilized appropriately by the designers of this advertisement. This is shown in the transition of scenes, which carries the intended message of food and health among children and women. As an attention factor, contrast has been employed in revealing the distinction that exist between children or women that are well-fed and those that are not. This is significant as it helps in delivering the message that UNICEF helps individuals have good health.

2.2 Comprehension Relation To The Ad

Comprehension involves the understanding or analysis that consumers can establish in relation to attended stimuli so that they can assign meanings from them. When customers attend to information of marketing, the next stage often involves understating this information through interpretation or analysis. Salient knowledge patterns are usually stimulated from the consumers’ long-term memory when they happen to focus on particular environmental stimuli (Aguirre-Rodriguez, 2013). As a result of this, consumers often develop meanings and knowledge patterns, which are founded on significant concepts, behaviors and events.

In this ad, the designers have incorporated the element of comprehension in a suitable manner. This is revealed in the use of concrete and tangible attributes of services, which they offer to mothers and children. Therefore, this approach has enabled this ad develop efficient inferences concerning abstract consequences, attributes and values among others. For instance, the ad demonstrates how eating of good food leads to healthy lives. Besides, healthy children are shown to be joyful as opposed to those children who are not health. Images of women who are dressed neatly are also shown in this advertisement. This helps is demonstrating how the organization can bring positive changes in lives of women a children by improving their health conditions alongside providing them with adequate food.

2.3 High and Low Involvement Behavior In The Advertisement

Consumer involvement theory provides a suitable platform on which marketers can comprehend behaviors and psychology of their consumers. In marketing, four categories of consumer involvement are high involvement rational, high involvement emotional, low involvement rational and low involvement emotional (Yoon, 2013). On the part of consumers, high involvement rational purchase is often associated with high cost. In this category, factors that are considered include products and financial services among others. On the other hand, high involvement emotional is linked to issues such as weddings, jewelry and holiday travels among others. As such, advertisement under this group needs to focus on events or issues that have visual and emotional appeals. In low involvement rational, advertisers always aim at getting consumers to switch or sample (Yoon, 2013). This approach takes into consideration the use of coupons or other incentives alongside mechanisms of re-positioning or differentiating products. On the other side, low involvement emotional focuses on the advertiser’s challenge, which is ensuring pleasure, benefit or gratification.

In the view of involvement behaviors, this ad has incorporated both high involvement emotional and low involvement emotional. These two approaches have been employed in influencing the emotions of consumers.  Markets have achieved this by revealing the pleasure or benefit that consumers can derive from cooperating with UNICEF.  This is shown in the images if healthy individuals who attribute their good health to UNICEF. Besides, families that feed on adequate food are shown in this ad, as well. Thus, the emotional factor of consumers has been taken into consideration in this ad in a suitable manner.

2.4 Functions of Attitudes and How it Relates to the Advertisement

Studies have demonstrated that attitude objects play a vital function in advertisements. When used efficiently, attitudes can serve several functions in advertisements. Consumers reveal different stages of dedication to attitude objects. Some of these levels include diehard fan, sports fans, social group attendee and fair weather fans among others. The ABC model is always used in the illustration of attitude (Jin, 2013). This model involves effect, behavior and cognition. Affect focuses on one’s feeling concerning an attitude object, while behavior focuses on what one intends to do. On the other hand, cognition involves the beliefs that one has on specific objects.

In advertising, attitude serves four functions that include utilitarian, value expressive, ego-defensive and knowledge. Utilitarian function is achieved when consumers develop attitudes on events that considered painful or pleasurable. For instance, ad has achieved this function by depicting healthy people as it feels good being healthy. On the other side, the feeling of pain is developed when one views the images of people who live in poor conditions that appear in the advertisement. Value expressive function is accomplished when an individual develops an attitude about an object in relation to what it says about him or her, and not because of its benefit. On the contrary, ego-defensive function is achieved when attitudes are established to protect customers from internal and external threat insecurities. The ad has achieved this by revealing the role of UNICEF in protecting women and children from hunger and poor health. Knowledge function is accomplished when the need for meaning, structure or order is present. In relation to this function, the ad has included images of families whose living standards are high.

3.0 Summary

Marketers need to ensure that they conduct a thorough process, while designing their ads. This is because advertisements cannot manage to deliver the intended message when they lack vital components, which should be incorporated in them. Some components, which advertisers need to include in their advertisements, are attention factors, aspect of low and high involvement behavioral, comprehension, and attitude. Attention factors include intensity, movement and contrast among others. These elements are vital in capturing the interest of the audience in relation to the advertisement. On the other hand, the aspect of low and high involvement behaviors takes into consideration the emotional factor of consumers. This is often achieved by displaying stimuli that aim at the psychological aspect of customers. As such, marketers always focus on including messages that inform consumers on the pleasure or benefit, which they can obtain from the marketer’s product. Emotion often plays a significant role in establishing a robust connection between consumers and businesses or organizations. Lastly, the aspect of comprehension should also be integrated in advertisements.  This approach involves the incorporation of tangible abstract in an ad with the aim of providing consumers with an easy means of interpreting the message of the market. Thus, comprehension facilitates the consumers’ interpretation of the marketer’s intended message. Attitude helps marketers incorporate features that trigger positive responses from consumers in relation to a product In its ad, UNICEF has integrated all the tree elements efficiently.

4.0 References

Aguirre-Rodriguez, A. (2013). The Effect of Consumer Persuasion Knowledge on Scarcity Appeal Persuasiveness. Journal of Advertising, 42(4) 371-379

Jayasinghe, L; Ritson, M. (2013). Everyday Advertising Context: An Ethnography of Advertising Response in the Family Living Room. Journal of Consumer Research, 40(1) 104-121

Jin, S; Lutz, R. (2013). The Typicality and Accessibility of Consumer Attitudes Toward Television Advertising: Implications for The Measurement of Attitudes Toward Advertising in General. Journal of Advertising, 42(6) 343-357

Niemietz, K. (2012). Unicef Conclusions on Equality Ignore Unicef Evidence on Inequality. Supplement, 32(1) 2-3

UNICEF TV Commercial Ad 2013.<>

Xie, G; Kronrod, A. (2012). Is The Devil The Details? Journal of Advertising, 41(4)  103-117

Yoon, J; Tinkham, S. (2013). Humorous Threat Persuasion in Advertising: The Effects of Humor, Threat Intensity, and Issue Involvement. Journal of Advertising, 42(1) 30-41

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