Leakage in regional environmental policy: The case of the regional greenhouse gas initiative is a comprehensive peer-reviewed journal written by Fell and Maniloff in. 2018. It highlights both national and international policies to counter the pollution in the environment. It also elaborates the methods to curb dangerous emissions of pollutants from different companies, to areas that are less prone to environmental pollution (Fell & Maniloff, 2018). The journal also indicates the how the global climate policy seems unattainable, but many countries have tried their best to enact sustainable emission reduction policies.

The journal presents viable ideas on how to create a sustainable environment for economic development. Nations have enacted a global collaboration to increase the effectiveness of curbing pollution worldwide. The journal can be accessed either in libraries or online sites for the advantage of the readers. In most of the libraries and online sites, they offer it for free to pass the message to the learners on the importance of an exceptional environment (Delmas & Lessem, 2014).  Mostly, though the journal exhibits a few disadvantages, it is still a suitable reflection of for environment and economic development due to its proficient presentation of information, a methodology used, and the main ideas are eligible for financial and environmental enhancement.

The journal implemented a feasible methodology of the sub-national approach of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative to econometrically examine the occasions of environmental pollution such as leakages of harmful emissions to the environment. The method is probably impressive in reviewing the policies to enhance national based systems to counter the issues of environmental pollution. The same research about a clean environment in the journal has been manifested in the modern Clean Power Plan (CPP), a federal strategy to allow nations to meet the environmental control plan (Fell & Maniloff, 2018). Under the same methodology, neighboring countries can also apply different tactics fostering trade, and economic value.

The journal has also applied the empirical methodology to investigate the effectiveness of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative especially in places that have leakages and those that do not have. Secondly, the practical methods applied explores how the RGGI has influenced the eradication of noxious pollutants. To establish the impact of the RGGI, the journal used a proficient methodology of the Generator-level models that create its production to the environment (Fell & Maniloff, 2018). There are also practical experiments to check on the treatment effects related with the RGGI, and treatments effects for the plants and animals. Additionally, the journal has also used the estimation of the generator model methodology to weigh how the treatment of pollution takes place at the same period (Sexton & Sexton, 2014). If there is no response to the initial causes of infection, it might make place for an overestimated distance, and period spreading to other parts of the nation. Therefore, the methodology of approaching the pollutants environmental effects is inclusive, giving readers an insight of how to sustain an excellent environment for individual well being and economic value.

Most of the findings on the environmental concerns in the article use the generation unit-year level data to analyze the impacts of pollution to the environment. To evaluate the insights to the learners, the findings have also incorporated the Estimation of the Generator Model to analyze daily information concerning the environmental changes due to pollution. Based on the literature review, the findings have provided ample information to the learners (Fell & Maniloff, 2018). Additionally, the article has also used the current information to derive its findings. Most of the current information is reliable since, there are hardly changes that have occurred over the period. The data for the research is strictly from the year 2014 to 2018 indicating that a lot of current information has been applied, thus there is o great change with the current society. However, even though the some of the data may be after or before the journal was written, it shows that the findings have been based on such information to review the past relationships of the environment and economy of nations. The period of the research is allowed between before and after of the data presentation, a strategy to evaluate the authenticity of the information.

The presentation of data through tables is also another approach to enhance a profound understand ding of the findings of the learners in the journal. The charts indicate the capacity of the pollutants to the environment and the effects it has caused. Such a strategy of interpreting the information for a reader to relate environmental and economic deviations of pollution causes across the globe (Ghanem & Zhang, 2014). The second table shows unconditional kernel density that estimates and indicates all the information concerning the environmental pollution against the economy of different nations. The findings also accessed the treatment effects of pollution on the environment. When the prices of the natural gas hike, there is an alternative to use carbon. The same environmentally friendly gas was introduced by RGGI, and it has little or no detrimental effects to the environment.

In general, the journal indicates a lot of potential influence to the environmental management. For instance, the introduction of the RGGI caused a dramatic drop in the price of the natural gas due to the fracking-stimulated supply advancement and economic growth of many nations (Pfeiffer & Lin, 2014). The journal also depicts a lot of strategies that can be used to improve the environment through preservation of the pollutants instead of releasing them into the atmosphere. In decision making, the article also elaborates the relative magnitudes of the significance of the leakages of pollutants leakages and the effects it has on the market prices of cheap gases. For example, from the tables in the journal, it indicates that the NGCC power considerations increased by almost 25% during the treatment period of the pollutants. Such occasion affects the economy and also the ecological value. Therefore, the environmental management has to check on the market changes and the economic significance of implementing some strategies to counter pollution. Elimination of some pollutants may affect the economy instead of improving it.

Notably, the management can realize that the sub-global and sub-national weather strategies are the primary regulators of the GHGs. However, there are different programs which indicate that regulations of pollutants in one region can lead to emission leakage to other places. The fixed position can influence the unregulated places to have such disadvantage. Therefore, the management should balance all the areas, and regulate pollution and their leakages in different places. In the worst instances, cumulative emissions may augment the positional parameters, and increase the discharge in other areas that are thought to be protected (Ghanem & Zhang, 2014).  Nevertheless, the management has been guided by the severity of pollution leakages, and such strategy can prepare them to come with different tactics to control such menace for a viable environment. There is also a provision of the econometric confirmation of leakage (LaRiviere et al. 2014). Such information is essential for the environmental management in the decision making. Additionally, there are electrical generator data that controls the process in which the RGGI influence the ecology either directly or indirectly. It also establishes the effects it has on trade and the places that can be affected by the regulation.

Most of the analysis carried out in the journal is not entirely on the effect s of pollutants to the environment and how to control it, but also the management strategies in decision making and enacting the policies to manage the environmental degradation. It also relates to the economic value to increase awareness that environment is directed related to the economy. The types of the leakages and ecological needs further evaluations to check regulations modes that can control the environmental effects (Nesta, Vona, & Nicolli, 2014). The decision of the management depends on the economic and ecological state of the nation.

In general, the journal; Leakage in regional environmental policy: The case of the regional greenhouse gas initiative presents ideas on the environmental control. The journal is among the most reliable sources that can be accessed by any person will read it at no charge. Such strategy is to ensure that many people know how to control the environmental pollutant. It also implemented a comprehensive methodology to collect all the essential information to guide the readers. Additionally, the journal includes significant findings easily to substantiate the vital points in the research. It also gives a reader an insight and interpretation of the information in the journal.




Delmas, M. A., & Lessem, N. (2014). Saving power to conserve your reputation? The effectiveness of private versus public information. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management67(3), 353-370.

Fell, H., & Maniloff, P. (2018). Leakage in regional environmental policy: The case of the regional greenhouse gas initiative. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management87, 1-23.

Ghanem, D., & Zhang, J. (2014). ‘Effortless Perfection: ‘Do Chinese cities manipulate air pollution data?. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management68(2), 203-225.

LaRiviere, J., Czajkowski, M., Hanley, N., Aanesen, M., Falk-Petersen, J., & Tinch, D. (2014). The value of familiarity: effects of knowledge and objective signals on willingness to pay for a public good. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management68(2), 376-389.

Nesta, L., Vona, F., & Nicolli, F. (2014). Environmental policies, competition and innovation in renewable energy. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management67(3), 396-411.

Pfeiffer, L., & Lin, C. Y. C. (2014). Does efficient irrigation technology lead to reduced groundwater extraction? Empirical evidence. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management67(2), 189-208.

Sexton, S. E., & Sexton, A. L. (2014). Conspicuous conservation: The Prius halo and willingness to pay for environmental bona fides. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management67(3), 303-317

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