-Why do Americans expect so much of their leaders?
-Are Army leaders living up the professional standards in ADP 1?
-Given the recent lapses in moral behavior amongst senior military
leaders, what can be done to prevent leaders from acting in ways
detrimental to public trust of the Army profession?
-How can recognizing the Profession of Arms as a true profession
strengthen one’s resolve to act ethically?
– Which of the five characteristics of a profession encourage ethical
behavior in members of the profession? How do they do that?
– Are the Army’s professional certification requirements adequate to
ensure that most of its members engage in ethical behavior? If not,
what changes would you make?
-How does Army culture influence senior leaders’ ethical behavior?
-Do the Army’s current programs and strategies adequately address
current issues (i.e., sexual harassment, sexual assault, senior leader
ethics, suicide prevention, hazing, fraternization, substance abuse,
EEO and resilience)? Why or why not? What changes would you
(Note:Use attached Chapter 2 ADP1 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OC–Q-9asEg#action=share as references)

Question 2:Investing in Character Development
Address ALL the bullets and questions below in an orginal post to the forum. Then, respond to at least two other postings. In your responses, please refer to the ethics readings (from any of the ethics modules) or other credible sources as appropriate:

-Describe your own character development by rating yourself at a
level and stage on the Kohlberg scale. Explain why you believe you fit
that particular level and stage.
-In their article, “What Does Contemporary Science Say About Ethical
Leadership?” Barnes and Doty discuss the importance of ethical
leadership in the military. What can you take away from this article
and apply in your own career, especially relative to where you are on
the Kohlberg scale?
-Applying the concepts and principles from this lesson, describe how
you plan to invest in developing yourself as a senior leader, and how
you can mentor others to be leaders of character.
(Note:Use attached Contemporary Science & Ethics, ADRP 6-22-2-1 Chapter 3 and Kohlberg Summary attachments)

Question 3:Honoring the Public Trust
Second, in the forum below address at least one of the following bullets. Apply concepts, principles and perspectives from the readings as well as your own insights, experiences and lessons learned. Also respond to at least two other initial postings. Be sure to refer to the readings in your responses as appropriate.

-Analyze Dan Ariely’s perspective about the natural tendency to lie
and cheat.
-What is unique about senior military leader experiences that tempt
them to be dishonest?
-How does dishonesty from senior military leaders undermine
honoring the public trust?
-How does dishonesty and unethical conduct impact internal and
external trust relationships?
-What are the underlying cultural factors in Army environments that
affect public trust?




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