There are many competing and often incompatible ideas about how to best deal with criminal behavior. Deterrence, revenge, incapacitation, and rehabilitation are all believed by some to have merit. Discuss the ways in which these different methods for dealing with deviance reflect the different ways society views criminals.



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Deterrence is a method of dealing with crime which attempts to discourage potential criminals from breaking the law by punishing those who have already committed a crime. This approach is rooted in the idea that people are rational and will weigh their risks and rewards before deciding whether or not to break the law. Punishment, in this case, serves as an example of what can happen if someone chooses to commit a crime, deterring them from doing so. Advocates for deterrence believe that fear of punishment will be enough to prevent others from committing similar crimes.

Sample Solution

Deterrence is a method of dealing with crime which attempts to discourage potential criminals from breaking the law by punishing those who have already committed a crime. This approach is rooted in the idea that people are rational and will weigh their risks and rewards before deciding whether or not to break the law. Punishment, in this case, serves as an example of what can happen if someone chooses to commit a crime, deterring them from doing so. Advocates for deterrence believe that fear of punishment will be enough to prevent others from committing similar crimes.

Revenge is another way society deals with criminal behavior. This approach suggests that justice can only be achieved when offenders are punished in proportion to the harm they have caused; further emphasizing the notion that an “eye for an eye” is necessary for proper retribution. These views on justice often find their origins in religious beliefs or cultural practices where reciprocity plays a major role; however studies show that revenge-based approaches do not actually lead to lower rates of recidivism nor reduce feelings of revenge among victims.

Incapacitation refers to any form of action taken against offenders which limits their ability engage in future deviant activities (e.g., prison sentences). The main goal here is prevention by taking away any opportunity/ability offender may have had commit more crimes while also providing time reflect upon past mistakes reconsidering societal norms values going forward – though some argue without appropriate counseling reinforcement being made available such strategies ultimately fail at reducing levels recidivism across board..

Finally there rehabilitation which seeks rehabilitate individuals instead simply punishing them based off actions done prior moment present – this primarily used cases involving non-violent nature since harsher punishments likely increase chance relapse overall due feeling isolation resentment towards people authority position reacting accordingly through further engaging behaviors deemed socially unacceptable etc… Rehabilitation usually involves psychological interventions aimed helping person understand why violating laws choosing act certain ways better equip them handle such situations differently going forward preventing same issues arising again down road..

Overall conclusion or critique on these methods: All four methods discussed above offer different outlooks how best deal criminal activity given particular circumstances involved but none singularly provide solution tackling issue hand due wide range factors considered when formulating response said incident(s). In addition each one presents own unique set advantages disadvantages depends upon context situation hand determine if it suitable option addressing problem both short long-term periods moving ahead hopefully leading greater understanding empathy between members society enabling live together peace unity hopefully resulting brighter future all ends…

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