1. Аmerican Political ldeology: The Declaration of Indeрendence: The Constitution; A. Hamiton, Federalist,
  2. Slavery and Abolition: David Walker, Walker’s Appeat: Willam Lloyd Garrison, The First Issue of The
    Liberator, Henry Highland Garnet, An Address to the Slaves of the United States of Аmerica; Chief Justice
    Taney, Dred Scott v. Sanford.
  3. Women’s Rights: Seneca Falls Dеclaration of Sentimтents and Resolutions; Sojourner Truth, Address to the

Ohio Women’s Rights Convention: Carrie Chapman Catt, Prejudice Against Women;B Margaret Sanger, The
Right to One’s Own Body: The National Organization for Wonmen, Statement of Purрose: Roe vs Wade.

  1. Presidential Messages, Addresses, Speeches: FDR, War Message to Congress; John F. Kennedy, Inaugural
    Address; JFK, Speech at the Berin Wal:B Ronald Reagan, Speech at Moscow State University.
    The following fomat of questions is used for both discussion of the гeadings in class and how the paper is to be
    written. Questions for in-class discussion of the readings and for the paper. All class discussions are сentered
    on three questions.
  2. What kind of document is it? And what does the reading contain? List the thoughts, sentiments, ideas the
    document contain. The answer to this question is essentially a detailed summary of the content of the reading.
    What are the main points the author is making, and especially, which American cultural ideas are being noted.
    Do not include your comments in question 81. [9pts.]
  3. What do you think about the contents of this document? Make a list of your reactions to these contents. How
    would you evaluate these thoughts, sentiments, ideas? More important, are they helpful in giving you a
    historical sense of American beliefs and ideals? (You might consider it/how the reading gives you insight on the
    feeling or thinking of the writer or the еxperiences/times he describes. Or if you have understood a new detal
    about the situation being described that you did not already know or imagine? Please note, that “valuable” or
    “insightful” does not mean “theе moral of the story.”) End question #2 by saying which, if апy, American cuitural
    ideas are implied?/9pts.]
  4. 3. How do the cuitural ideas in this document a) relate to an event/policy/development discussed in either
    Heffner’s text or the lectures; and b) explain which aspect of this historical context the reading illustrates. (Be
    specific as to the historical events and cuitural ideas that this particular document/reading addresses.) This
    question asks you to set the reading in the context of American cultural history.

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