1. Define and appropriately use important terms such as the main human function, intrinsic good, instrumental (incomplete) and final (complete) end, virtue, happiness, and reason.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of major arguments and problems in Aristotle’s ethics.
  3. Present and discuss well-reasoned ethical positions in writing. 4. Apply ethical concepts and principles to discuss moral concerns.
    Discussion: Analyze the reading of the Week 1 and answer the questions: 1.What is the function of a human being, according to Aristotle? 2. What is happiness? What qualities does it possess? Why is happiness the complete (final) end?
  4. Aristotle is arguing that happiness is the greatest and noblest end, and the greatest and noblest cannot be left to luck. Try to think of a case where luck played a role in a person’s becoming a good person, an optimally functioning person, and describe it.
  5. What is your definition of happiness? Do you agree with Aristotle? Why/why not?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8ZeyVOE6p I https://www3.nd.edu/—afreddos/courses/180/nicomach.htm https://www.macat. com/blog/201 7/5/20/a ristotles-secret-to-happiness-what-wilkma ke-us-ha ppy-now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpjjhraoNGg

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