Write the book analysis on Rivera, Raymond, and José Montes. Liberty to the Captives: Our Call to Minister in a Captive World. Grand
Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Pub. 2012. ISBN 978-0-8028-6901-2

Here are the format to follow.

  1. Overview ( 1 page)
    Give an overview or summary of the book.
    Thesis: What is the thesis/aim/objective/purpose of the book
    Author: Information about the author and his/her place within the context of urban poor.
  2. Analysis (1 page)
    Offer an analysis of the book. Include:
    Target Audience: To whom is the author writing? Is the writing style and content appropriate for this audience?

Strengths: Identify 3 strengths you have found in the book. Explain.

Critique: Provide 1 to 2 academic critiques you have found in the book.

Usefulness: Evaluate the book’s overall usefulness to the audience it is intended for. Is it helpful? Explain.

  1. Take-a-ways (1 page) – CONCEPTUAL
    Identify and explain 3 specific thoughts and/or concepts about the urban poor and the church you take away based on reading this book. This should be a more theoretical explanation.
  2. Significance for Ministry (1 page) – APPLICATION

Identify and explain 3 specific ways you can implement what you’ve learned from the reading into your life and ministry based on the take-a-ways you’ve listed. This should be a more pragmatic and practical explanation

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