1. A brief summary of the book. What is the main narrative from beginning to middle to end?
  2. Describe what kind of book this is and what kind of sources it uses. Is it a primary source? A secondary source? Are there multiple parts and/or authors? Does it rely on personal experience and observation? Does it rely on archival work or secondary sources? How does the book present its story to the reader? How effective is the book in terms of its use of sources and/or examples of personal experience?
  3. Analyze and assess the book. What is the point of the book? What does it tell us? Why did the author write the book? How do you know? Do you agree or disagree with the main arguments/points/messages of the book? Does the author do a good job of getting her/his point across?
  4. Give specific examples from the book throughout your written review to support the brief summary, your analysis, opinion, and the explanation of the type of book you have read.
  5. Explain how your book fits with our course, Forging the Modern World. What themes and specific examples from class materials AND other required readings connect your book to this class? Explain where your book links to what has been discussed in the lectures and read in the other required readings from the syllabus. What is similar and different? Does it support what you’ve learned in class and the required readings and/or does it provide a different or new picture or point of view? How does it relate to this course?

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