1. Content and Grade:(a) Summarize two chapters from “A Random Walk Down Wall Street” for each one-page assignment (i.e., a summary of two chapters in one page). (b) Each report is worth 12 points. 2. Format: (a) The report must be typed using a WORD processing program. No more than one page in total. 12-point font size Page margins: normal settings (1 inch left, right, top, and bottom) Line spacing: double spaces The font type should be consistent. No need for a plastic cover. (b) The head title of your assingment should include your name, class of mine you attend, due date, and the assignment number in one line. (c) Put the chapter number and title as a subhead below the first line. Below is an example for referecne: Your Name, FIN 352-01, Assignment I, 6/12/2019Chapter 1 Firm foundations and casteles in the air…..Chapter 2 The madness of crowds…..(d) Your writing must conform to standard English usage. (1) You should obey the rules of grammar and have your write-up proofread. (2) Writing grammatically correct sentences is considered crucial in my grading. (e) The penalty for wrong format will be a reduction of your score by 50% of the total points available for each report.

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