(a) Structure of assignment and assessment task

There is one coursework to be submitted, embedding the reflective task (Part A) and the applied analytical task (Part B).

After integration of all tasks, your paper structure should look as follows (recommended word count):

Section #1 – Part A – Reflection (450 words)
Section #2 – Part B – Chosen company and its Sustainability Offerings (350 words)
Section #3 – Part B – Relevant literature (400 words)
Section #4 – Part B – The chosen company’s Sustainability Stakeholders (200 words)
Section #5 – Part B – Sustainability Benchmark (500 words)
Section #6 – Part B – Recommendations for Managers (100 words)
Section #7 – Conclusions (100 words)
Section #8 – References’ list
Section #9 – Appendix from Seminar Diary Notes (900 words)
Section #10 – Other Appendices [optional]

Part A
The seminars’ case studies discuss an aspect of sustainable production, consumption or innovation, for either a selected industry or product domain. In this
part A, students are asked to write a reflective piece about the material discussed in the seminars.

The specific task for Part A is as follows:

1. Each week, please search for examples of the sustainability issues in your daily life, which are connected to the specific theme and case study of the
weekly seminar. A question at the end of the seminar case study will guide you regarding what aspects to reflect. Create a diary of your observed examples.
2. The diary notes should count about 100-150 words/week. Attach all diary notes as appendix to your final coursework submission. There are 6 case
studies for reflection, thus the appendix from the diary notes should not exceed 900 words.
3. For Section #1 (recommended word count: 450) – Answer the following question and make use of the diary notes appendix:

“Discuss how and why concepts of the sustainable and circular economy are difficult to put into practice in our consumer society.”

Part B

The lecture sessions provide you with concepts, readings and examples of sustainability as business.
In this part B, students are asked to engage in case research relating to a company of their choice. The chosen company must either offer ‘Green
Technology As Products’ or engage in ‘New Business Models for Sustainability’, as defined and discussed in the lecture.

The questions to be discussed in Part B are as follows. Please always apply your considerations and discussion points to the chosen company (recommend
word count):

For Section #2 (350 words) – Discuss and classify how the offerings (products, services, procurement or business model facilitation) of your chosen company
specifically focus on environmental sustainability. Make use of the company’s Annual Report or its Sustainability Report, and cite such reports where used.
Answer this question:

1. What is the company’s approach of making profit from sustainability?

For Section #3 (400 words) – Refer to about eight focused literature sources to explain how the selected company may best pursue sustainability for its
offerings. Use the literature section also to define the concepts used or applied therein. You may use journal articles retrieved from

For Section #4 (200 words) – Identify various stakeholders connected to producing or consuming the relevant products or services and discuss their interests
in the company’s efforts for corporate social responsibility

For Section #5 (500 words) – Sustainability benchmark – Pick two selected graphs embodying documented data from the chosen company’s sustainability
report, press releases or any other report of the company. Answer the following questions on the reported data:

1. How could the two graphs be improved and better used for the purpose of comparing the company with its competitors? (competitors meant as
companies being in the same industry)
2. Present an improved version of the graphs which reveal more detailed or more accurate information in an intuitive way. Do not just change the graphical
style/colours etc. but make meaningful changes to the kind of graph itself.
3. Which other companies (either within same industry or within same product/services domain) would be suitable for comparison. Justify with industry-
specific challenges, challenges for making a sustainability offering or other suitable factors related to environmental sustainability or CSR.

Paper #6 (100 words) – Recommendations for Managers

This section is to give brief but insightful business recommendations for managers. (Recommendations for research and academic purposes are not
required in this assignment.)

Paper Section #7 (100 words) – Conclusions

Conclude what your paper has found from the selected and appraised company example. State how these conclusions compare to, or inform literature

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