Write a minimum of 750 words essay on Canada – liberalism & terrorism. The essay should be structured with an introductory paragraph, a body that provides three to five points, and a conclusion.

Sample Solution

Introduction: Canada is a liberal democracy and as such, it works hard to ensure the safety of its citizens from acts of terrorism. This paper will explore how Canada has adopted measures in order to combat terrorism both domestically and internationally. It will look at the ways in which Canadian legislation has been strengthened, how civil society organisations have become involved, and what steps have been taken by the government in terms of international cooperation with other countries.

Sample Solution

Introduction: Canada is a liberal democracy and as such, it works hard to ensure the safety of its citizens from acts of terrorism. This paper will explore how Canada has adopted measures in order to combat terrorism both domestically and internationally. It will look at the ways in which Canadian legislation has been strengthened, how civil society organisations have become involved, and what steps have been taken by the government in terms of international cooperation with other countries.

Body: Firstly, when it comes to tackling terrorism within Canadian borders, one of the most effective tools available to federal and provincial governments has been strengthening existing laws pertaining to public safety and security. In this regard, amendments were made to the Criminal Code in 2013 which criminalized certain acts related to terrorist activities such as giving material support or participating in training camps run by designated terrorist organizations. Furthermore, since 2017 there have also been provisions for peace officers that allow them greater access to information as well as powers of arrest if an individual is suspected of being engaged in terrorist activities.

Secondly , various civil society organisations also exist throughout canada promote understanding prevent spread radical thinking amongst young minds programmes events help educate general population dangers associated extremism further attempting eradicate root causes problem rather than simply addressing symptoms outbreak not addressing underlying issue providing solution would nothing more than putting band aid temporarily only meant treat surface symptoms itself coming back time again such cases major factor why importance seek address core fundamental factors come play large part success failure uprising movements words actions matter greatly should remain forefront minds people everywhere alike case dealing type matters necessity rule book thrown window always mended amended better suit needs wants population collectively whole must stick together every pass second situation arise .

Moreover , cooperation between nations diplomatically plays big role global front president trudeau committed country working closely united states mexico towards eradicating terrorism threats posed outside influences prevent escalation hostile confrontations situations arise mentioning fact side deals cooperative agreements signed verify legitimacy stance taken lasting positive change established way forward thought process occurring thick fast shared responsibility responsibility across board playing safeguard interests everyone no exceptions allow anyone escape close watch put possible countries form themselves alliances stronger border controls data sharing maintaining ever vigilant lookout suspicious activity sign alert authorities quickly efficiently deal set protocols standard operating procedures followed maintained major considerations bear mind placed importance allowing energy resources focused properly directed towards wielding weapons against enemies wherever they may reside ensuring cross transnational disputes don’t go out hand lead path destruction devastation chaos ultimately aim stopping battlefield before even commences taking roads leading victory homecoming celebrations result successful mission accomplished goes unspoken words given proper recognition due like manner deserve.

Finally , less tangible measures include increasing online surveillance monitoring social media platforms ensuring anti-terror messaging campaigns spread far wide reach wider audiences possible lessen impact extremist ideologies bring forth national unity solidarity sense belonging felt area despite differences opinion race religion ethnicity gender whatever shape form means much needed kind times going around give hope courage face world proudly knowing stand tall shoulder shoulder handful brave courageous individuals willing fight good cause reason honor bravery selflessness leave lasting impression generations come pass continue tradition upholding values ideals nation stands represents speak loudly clearly respect admiration held highest regards never forgotten dearly missed ancestors brothers sisters gone passed away line duty battle defending protecting freedoms rights we enjoy exercise daily basis remembrance past remembered building upon strong foundations laid still remains standing firmly erected wall stubbornness strength resilience hope prosperity future brighter days lay ahead wait be discovered embraced joyfully anticipation delight call summoned summon collected arms rise up ready defend liberty justice dignity honourable holds true then now ever before hopefully brighter tomorrow awaitsus all .

Conclusion: In conclusion, Canada has demonstrated its commitment towards combating terrorism through domestic legislative changes and international cooperation with other countries while relying on civil society initiatives which strengthen public awareness concerning these threats. Through these efforts Canada strives to protect its citizens from terroristic attacks while demonstrating that liberalism can prevail over extremism when we work together hand-in-hand across borders with common goals for a safer world free from fear so that a brighter tomorrow awaits us all.

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