Criminal Investigation

          Watch the following videos: How do the University of Tennessee and University of South Florida Anthropological Science programs assist us in evaluating Entomological Evidence? What...

Juvenile’s and gangs as well as Hate Crimes.

  Juvenile’s and gangs as well as Hate Crimes.       Our discussion this week will look at juvenile’s and gangs as well as Hate Crimes. Numerous risk factors contribute to juveniles becoming involved with gangs. Explain how community...

Justice terrorist elements

            Discuss two options available to the President if foreign governments are unwilling or unable to render unto justice terrorist elements within their country that threaten the United States....

Carol ann bond case

  select a film, documentary, live performance, or a case from You are required to write a three page paper on your observations made from viewing or reading and incorporate a theory and subject matter we have studied in class. should reference your...

Risk factors associated with becoming an HT victim

Most of the services/support provided for human trafficking (HT) victim come after they have been trafficked and can be considered as secondary interventions. Review some of the possible risk factors associated with becoming an HT victim, and discuss some possible...