Video Analysis

Watch the video from a Washburn University class. Read the PowerPoint: “What is plagiarism?”Attached file Read the plagiarism tutorial from Arcadia University....

Video Analysis

Watch the video The Future of Trade, at the World Economic Forum (WEF), then provide a summary of what was discussed in the video, the main topics, and your opinions about what was presented/discussed. Do you agree/disagree with the assertions that were made? Why, or...

Video Analysis

As part of your Individual Video Assignment, you will view one of the provided videos, Choice 1 or Choice 2. Then you will respond to the questions associated with the video you chose. The answer for each question shouldcontain approximately 5-15 sentences. The...

Video Building

View the video Building Psychological Resilience (Links to an external site.) by using the off-campus access on the library homepage. Based on the video, Building Psychological Resilience, and the Chapter 7 materials presented, what factors influence resilience? What...