Pre-lab Assignment (10 pts):
• Research and find the circuit design for typical non-inverting amplifier and inverting amplifier. Include a diagram for each type of amplifiers and the equation for calculating Vout/Vin for each of them in your lab report.

Exercise #1: Non-Inverting Amplifier – Multisim Only (25 pts in total)

  1. Open and run “Exercise #1 – Non-InvertingAmplifier” to complete the following assignments.
  2. Assignment #1-1 (15 pts): Simulate the circuit (Notice that the input used for these simulations are 1 kHz and Vp = 10 mV) under different designated POT1 and POT2 conditions given in Table 1. Fill the “Multisim Simulation” column in Table 1 with your simulation data. Compare the simulation data with that calculated by the equation you found for non-inverting amplifier from completing the pre-lab assignment.
  3. Assignment #1-2 (10 pts): Include a snapshot picture of Oscilloscope-XSC1 for each of the Multisim simulations, with RF and RG resistance values indicated for each simulation, in your lab report.

Exercise #2: Inverting Amplifier – Multisim and ELVIS (50 pts in total)

  1. Open and run “Exercise #2 – InvertingAmplifier” to complete the following assignments.
  2. Assignment #2-1 (15 pts): Simulate the circuit (Function Generator-XGF2: 1 kHz and Vp = 1 V) under the POT conditions given in Table 2 and obtain the simulation data. Fill the “Multisim Simulation” column in Table 2 with your Multisim simulation data. Compare the simulation data with that calculated by the equation you found for inverting amplifier from completing the pre-lab assignment.
  3. Assignment #2-2 (10 pts): Include a snapshot picture of Oscilloscope-XSC1 for each of the Multisim simulations, with RF and RG resistance values indicated for each simulation, in your lab report.
  4. Assignment #2-3 (15 pts): Replace Function Generator-XGF2 and Oscilloscope-XSC1 with an NI ELVISmx Function Generator and an NI ELVISmx Oscilloscope, respectively, connect them with the circuit and run it under the same POT conditions given in Table 2. Fill the “NI ELVISmx Oscilloscope Measurement” column in Table 2 with data obtained from NI ELVISmx Oscilloscope. Compare the NI ELVISmx Oscilloscope data with that calculated and with simulated with Multisim Oscilloscope-XSC1.
  5. Assignment #2-4 (10 pts): Include a snapshot picture of NI ELVISmx Oscilloscope for each of the ELVIS measurements, with RF and RG resistance values indicated for each measurement, in your lab report.

NOTES: Shown in Fig. 1 is what an inverting amplifier circuit looks like on an ELVIS.

Exercise #3: Active Band-Pass Filter – Multisim Only (15 pts in total)

  1. Open and run “Exercise #3 – ActiveBandPassFilter” to complete the following assignments, with Function Generator-XGF2: Vp = 1 V.
  2. Assignment #3-1 (5 pts): Simulate the circuit with Bode Plotter-XBP1 set at a 1 Hz to 100 kHz frequency range. Fill the “Multisim Bode Plotter” columns in Table 3 with your Multisim simulation data.
  3. Assignment #3-2 (10 pts): Replace Bode Plotter-XBP1 with an NI ELVISmx Bode Analyzer, connect it with the circuit the same way as Bode Plotter-XBP1 for the input and output, set it with the same frequency range and using “50” as step size. Run the circuit again, extract the relevant information from the NI ELVISmx Bode Analyzer, and fill the “NI ELVISmx Bode Analyzer” columns in Table 3 with such relevant information.
  4. Do you see same magnitude/phase plots from the NI ELVISmx Bode Analyzer as those from Bode Plotter-XBP1? What if same scales were used for both?

NOTES: Shown in Fig. 2 is what an active band-pass filter circuit looks like on an ELVIS.

Exercise #4: Integrator (IGNORE)

  1. Open and run “Exercise #4 – Integrator”. Input sine, triangle, and square waves and examine the output integral signals. Assignment #4: Run the circuit using sine wave as the input and at fixed 1k Hz and Vp = 5 V, but vary R2 and C1 (1k, 10k, and 100k Ω combining 0.1, 1, and 10 F for example and CHOOSE TWO R2/C1 COMBINATIONS ONLY), and observe how the amplitude of the output signal changes accordingly. Explain why.
  2. Build the circuit on ELVIS II+ by following Figure 3. Assignment #5: Examine the circuit with the built-in oscilloscope through LabVIEW. Put a snapshot picture of each of the Multisim simulations and that of the physical results observed from ELVIS II+/LabVIEW in your lab report.

Fig. 0 TL074ACN Op Amp pinout

Figure 1 Circuit for Exercise #2: Inverting Amplifier

Figure 2 Circuit for Exercise #3: Active Band-Pass Filter

Figure 3 Circuit for Exercise #4: Integrator

Assignments (Report data with 3 significant figures)

Table 1 Assignment #1-1 (15 pts)
(%) POT2
(%) Calculated Vout/Vin Multisim Simulation
Vout/Vin Phase Difference
10 30
50 10
80 75

Table 2 Assignment #2-1 (15 pts) and Assignment #2-3 (15 pts)
(%) Calculated Vout/Vin Multisim Simulation NI ELVISmx Oscilloscope Measurement
Vout/Vin Vout/Vin Phase Difference
( )*
( )*
( )*
( )*

  • Indicate the actual resistance values you obtained for ELVIS measurements in these paratheses.

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