Question 1 (40pts)

List the Importance Value for Each Species (round to the hundredth place).

Species McCarty Woods Bartram-Carr Woods

Acer rubrum

Carya glabra

Celtis laevigata

Cinnamomum camphora

Liquidambar styraciflua

Pinus taeda

Question 2 (10pts)

Why would we hypothesize that the stand structure in these two urban forests would be similar?

Question 3 (10pts)

What influences or factors could make the stand structure in these two urban forests different?

Question 4 (10pts)

Using the comparison of Importance Values that you calculated for these woods, in a qualitative manner, should we accept or reject our hypothesis? Please explain.

Question 5 (10pts)

Does the concept of the Importance Value accurately capture differences or similarities in stand structure between the two urban forests? What does it tell us?

Question 6 (10pts)

What do you consider the limitations to this study? Are these major or minor limitations?

Question 7 (10pts)

Considering the experimental design, how could you improve this study?

for question 1 we are listing the importance value for each specie on both areas McCarty Woods and Bartram-Carr Woods. The question kind of clung them together.

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