Choose 3 of the following questions and respond.
1)What is meant by a “continuum of confidence”? What are ways to get training and supervision to be a group leader? How does a leader multitask? Describe how these skills overlap.
2) Active Listening Do this active listening exercise-yes even if you have done it before-listen to another person for 3 minutes time yourself- have them talk about something emotionally important to them. Then repeat back what they have said getting the most important emotional points that they covered. Then ask them if you were able to remember and get correctly that main points of what they said and also ask them if they felt that you were really listening and emotionally understood what they were saying. Report what happened in this exercise.
3) Reflecting p37 What are the differences in the two examples of Reflecting?
4) Clarifying-It involves focusing on key underlying issues and sorting out confusing and conflicting feelings. Give an example from your own life.
5) Summarizing What are the ways summarizing can be used in the group?
6) Facilitating What are ways a group leader can facilitate group process? Give an example from a group that you have participated in.
7) Empathizing The leader must be able to discern subtle nonverbal messages as well as messages transmitted more directly. It is impossible to fully know what another person is experiencing, but a sensitive group leader can have a sense of it. The core of the skill of empathy lies in being able to openly grasp another’s experiencing and at the same time to maintain one’s separateness. What is overidentification?
8) Interpreting In Gestalt Art Therapy, the therapist would have the client make their own interpretation. Such as the color red in their drawing means she is happy and in love. A therapist might have made a completely different interpretation. If a group therapist makes an interpretation, it is important that the interpretation be presented as a hypothesis rather than as a fact and that the person has a chance to consider the validity of this hunch in the group. Why is it important to consider the cultural content of an interpretation-give an example.
9) Questioning Questioning is overused by many group leaders. Interrogation seldom leads to productive outcomes, and more often than not it distracts the person working. The use of questions that ask “what” and “how” may serve to intensify experiencing, while the question “why” is rarely helpful because it takes the emotional material to the cerebral level. Define “open ended questions” and “closed”ended questions- give an example?
10) Linking Which group leader makes frequent use of linking? One with a interactional focus or a leader-to-member communication? This skill calls on the insightfulness of the leader in finding ways of relating what one person is doing or saying to the concerns of another person. Give an example.
11) Confrontation Beginning group leaders are often afraid to confront group members for fear of hurting them, of being wrong, or of inviting retaliation. It doesn’t take much skill to attack another or to be merely critical. It does take both caring and skill, however, to confront group members when their behavior is disruptive of the group functioning or when there are discrepancies between their verbal messages and their nonverbal messages. What are two important considerations when confronting in a group?
12) Supporting Supportive behavior can be therapeutic or counterproductive. Explain.
13) Blocking What are ways the group leader need to block in certain activities of the group?
14) Assessing What do assessment skills include for a group leader?
15) Modeling What are the kinds of behaviors a group leader needs to model in a group?
16) Suggesting What is the difference between suggesting and advising? What are appropriate suggestions for a group leader to make?
17) Initiating What are the ways that a group leader can provide direction for the group? What happens when there is too much initiation and too little initiation?
18) Evaluation What question should a group leader ask themselves in evaluating their group? What could the group leader say to teach the group how to evaluate the group?
19) Termination What are ways a group leader needs to learn how to terminate both individually and in the group?
20) Co-leadership
Respond to 3 of the questions below:
What are the advantages of co-leadership?
What mistakes do students often make in co-leading a groups?
Have you ever co-lead a group? What was your experience?
What problems can come up in co-leading a group?
What can you do if co-leading a group becomes difficult?
What are the advantages of co-leading?
What is Transference/ Countertransference?
How can problems occur for co-leaders?
Read this article and respond.
Is it valid to say that groups are a second choice treatment? Explain.
Why is it advantageous to make evaluation research a basic part of your group practice?
What does Yalom say about group practice and research? Who is Yalom?