Provide a double-spaced memo to the CEO of your firm summarizing a cost accounting-related current events article published in 2018 or 2019 in either The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, the Financial Times, or The Washington Post. You can access these publications for free through the Suffolk library. If you don’t know how, please see a reference librarian.
For the article you choose, your memo should include the following: • Summary: a summary paragraph in your own words about the article. This should not be copied directly from the article and your use of quotations should be minimal. • Significance: a paragraph explaining the significance of the article. This paragraph should discuss why you chose the article and how it relates to a specific cost accounting topic from class. Think about who this article impacts and how. Explain why it is significant. • Three questions: you will need to write three relevant questions about the article. These are questions you have after reading it that you would like answered. If you could speak with someone who was informed about the article’s subject, what would you ask them?

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