Watch both Simon Sinek videos listed below (approx. 17-19 min each. Both can also be found via google “simon sinek” then choose videos). As you
watch, make notes and think critically about how the ideas presented can be related to sustaining the transformation. Use these thought questions to
help get your brainstorming started and focus your ideas:
How do these concepts relate to today’s Marines? What ideas can you come up with to impact sustained change in your Marines and unit? Think
about both the positive and negative. What about the entire USMC? How are the ideas in the video similar or different to what you already see and
do? What ideas could you use or try? What wouldn’t work and why not? Are there ideas to apply to your own command with its specific characteristics
and issues? What difference can you make on your own? Does anything in the videos inspire you to act? Does it change the way you see the overall
culture or climate of the Corps? Can you think of anything you can now do or try differently?

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