Discourse community is “a group of people, members of a community, who share a common interest and who use the same language, or discourse, as they talk and write about that interest” (CCC).

Discourse community is a term for the sorts of “groups within which we humans act out distinctive identities and activities” (Gee, “Discourse”). Specifically, Gee calls “writing-saying-doing-being-valuing-believing combinations” as “Discourse,” with a capital “D.” To him, “discourse” with a little “d” means “connected stretches of language that make sense, so “discourse” is part of “Discourse’’ (Gee, “Literacy” 6).

Here are some examples of discourse communities:

Asian/American community at Miami (an example of sociocultural, racial, or ethnic discourse communities)
Yoga community (a discourse community forms around an activity or practice)
Harry potter fans (fandom as a discourse community)
International travelers on Instagram
Faculty and students in a Studying Abroad Program (e.g. Fulbright scholarship program)
Feminist discourse community surrounding the #metoo movement (an online discourse community)
a multi-racial advocacy group against white supremacy
foodies of a particular type of food
Project description

In this project, you will research a discourse community that is relevant and meaningful to your studies, professions, or life. The purpose goal of this research project is to understand how that discourse community works: how the chosen discourse community establishes, maintains, and knows itself.

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