Question 1

G.G. is a 40-year-old female who presents to the clinic today with nausea/vomiting and low grade fever.


Diabetes diagnosed 6 months ago
Subjective data:

Nausea and vomiting for 2 days
Low grade fever 2 days
Feeling anxious, first time sick since diagnosed with diabetes
Follows 1600 calorie diabetic diet (normally), very little intake since sick
Objective data:

Vital signs:
Temperature – 100.7
Pulse – 116
BP – 95/60
Respirations – 18
Pulse Ox – 98%
Glucose reading: 200
Weight: 170
Height: 5’4”
Based on the information above answer the following questions. Keep all answers to 100 words or less.

What six-step process should the nurse use to identify and resolve this patient’s problems? Explain each step of this process.
What would be your first, second, and third level priorities for G.G.? Explain your reasoning for each priority level.
What would be one nursing intervention you could do for each of these priorities?
Question 2

K.D. is a 20-year-old female patient with a 2-year history of adult on-set asthma who has presented to the emergency department with shortness of breath and wheezing despite the use of a rescue inhaler. Patient has received an albuterol nebulizer treatment and a dose of prednisone with no improvement.

Vital signs:

Temperature – 98.2
Pulse – 130
BP – 148/88
Respirations – 38
Pulse Ox – 93% on 4L nasal cannula

Alert & Orientated x4
Inspiratory & expiratory wheezes and crackles bilaterally
Based on the information above answer the following questions. Keep all answers to 100 words or less.

What standard verbal communication format would you use to communicate with the physician?
Using that standard verbal communication format formulate your phone call to the physician.
If the physician gives you orders over the phone what do you need to do and why?
Question 3

Your next patient is a 70-year-old male who was admitted to the hospital with chest pain. Based on the picture below, write a general survey of your patient. Keep answer to less than 200 words.

(I will attach the pix when job is awarded.)

Question 4

Analyze the following vital sign values. For each set of vitals identify what vitals are normal and which vitals are abnormal. For the abnormal vital signs identify what the normal value and/or range would be for that vital sign.




Blood pressure


Pulse Ox

Patient 1






Patient 2






Patient 3






Patient 4






Question 5

You just administered the Mini-Cog Exam to your patient. The results are below:

The patient was able to repeat back the three words immediately after being told the words.
The patient was able to draw the clock face with all the numbers placed in the correct sequence and correct position. The patient was able to place the hands at the correct time.
The patient was able to recall one of the words from the words given to them early.
Use the information above to help answer the questions below. Keep answers to less than 100 words.

Based on the results above what score would the patient have received? What does this result mean?
What parts of the mental status assessment does the mini-cog address?
What parts of the mental status assessment are missing?
Would you use the Mini-Cog as part of a full mental status assessment or would you use another tool? Explain.
Question 6

J.J. is a 25-year-old male who presents to the occupational health clinic for a physical before starting a new job. The patient is in good health and has no complaints at this time. As the nurse you have completed the health history and now need to perform the physical examination.

Based on the information above answer the following questions. Keep answers to 100 words or less.

As the nurse how would you prevent the spread of infection and implement infection control measures during the physical exam?
What physical examination techniques are used during inspection? Give two examples of how inspection is used during a physical exam?
What physical examination techniques are used during palpation? Give two examples of how palpation is used during a physical exam?
What physical examination techniques are used during percussion? Give two examples of how percussion is used during a physical exam?
What physical examination techniques are used during auscultation? Give two examples of how auscultation is used during a physical exam?
Question 7

K.K. is an 82-years-old female patient who fell at the nursing home and broke her hip, she had to have surgery to fix it. K.K. has a history of dementia and is not able to report a pain scale number. Upon examination of the patient is restless, she is moaning, and keeps repeating “ow, ow, it hurts, it hurts.” Her heart rate and blood pressure are also elevated.

Based on your understanding of pain and pain management answer the follow questions. Keep answers to less than 100 words.

What is the most accurate way to assess pain and why?
How would you assess K.K. pain since she cannot report a number? Explain.
What is the source of K.K. pain? Explain.
What type of pain is K.K. experience? Explain.

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