1. Which of the following is an example of a re-experiencing symptom?

a. Recurrent distressing dreams of the event

b. Avoiding situations that remind you of the event

c. Exaggerated startle response

d. Difficulty concentrating

  1. A woman who was raped tries hard to never think or talk about her experience. This symptom would be categorized in which of the following PTSD symptom clusters?

a. Re-experiencing

b. Avoidance/numbing

c. Hyperarousal

d. All of the above

  1. In the DSM-V criteria for PTSD, the hyperarousal cluster symptoms look very similar to most other anxiety disorders and include:

a. Difficulty sleeping

b. Irritability

c. Difficulty concentrating

d. Exaggerated startle response

e. All of the above

  1. Individuals with PTSD have an elevated risk of having other problems including:

a. Other mood, anxiety and substance use disorders

b. Poor physical health

c. Substance use disorders

d. Poor physical health

e. Greater functional impairment and reduced quality of life

f. All of the above

  1. According to the DSM-V, a patient must exhibit _ or more of the following symptoms: sleep disturbance, irritable behavior and outbursts of anger, problems with concentration, hypervigilance, reckless or self-destructive behavior, and exaggerated startle response.

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5

  1. Which of the following are factors associated with persons who get PTSD?

a. Personal factors (historic, demographic, genetic)

b. The recovery environment (social support, stressful life events, new trauma)

c. The traumatic event (unintentional, intentional)

d. None of the above

e. Both ‘a’ and ‘b’

f. a, b & c

  1. Psychosocial interventions such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapies (CBT) such as prolonged exposure and cognitive processing therapy are the most effective long-term intervention/treatment(s) for PTSD.

a. True

b. False

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