1. Cases like that of the Ford Pinto’s defective fuel system design show us that harms are more likely to be done when the victim is far removed from the person who does the harm. How does this case relate to
the “Trolley Problem” thought experiment and what lesson can we learn from neuropsychology that helps us to understand people’s varied responses to the two versions of the problem? Explain.

2. Perhaps unsurprisingly, deontologists tend to be defenders of stakeholder theory. We see many deontological principles at work in criticisms of various modern marketing and advertising practices. Identify and
explain three different objections to modern forms of marketing that embody deontological principles. Explain, using examples where helpful.

3. Why might someone say that the -dirty hands” problem in business really stems from a separation between the -private sphere- and the -public sphere”? What are some problems with thinking of business as
belonging only to the public sphere?
























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