2-pages in APA format, no direct quote, 0% plagiarism, no Wikipedia or blog post, references should be academic journals, and 85% of the citations must be within the last 5 years. Discuss the following:

Through Natural sciences lenses, generation clearly understand themselves and their place in nature, and role of nature in shaping them. Therefore, analyze Generational Gap through the lens of the natural and applied sciences by exploring the following questions:
• How does Generational Gap provide a social commentary through the natural and applied sciences?
• In what ways can science help resolve or enhance Generational Gap?
Through Social Sciences lenses, each generation and expressed behavior impacts their relationship in its social and cultural aspects.Therefore, analyze Generational Gap through the lens of the social sciences, and address the following:
• How does Generational Gap interact with the social sciences lens and impact social issues?
• In what ways does the social science lens help articulate a deeper understanding of the social issue(s) that inform Generational Gap?

Note: You are completing two separate analyses: one from the natural and applied sciences and one from the social perspective.

There are two strong connections you can make to the natural sciences that deals with biology and social sciences, and that is relative to age. For example, Baby boomers are very often the targets of ageism, or discrimination against persons on account of their age, based on the faulty belief that once a person reaches a certain age, they are biologically and socially unfit to perform a certain job.

Use the following links as part of your resources:

“I’m Ageist. Here’s Why that’s a Problem”

“Ageism: A Major Issue for Gen-X and Baby Boomers.” Let’s do better.

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