Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that investigates nature (and one’s place in nature) as the primary source of its subjects. Traditionally, haiku employs
exactly 17 syllables in three lines equaling a 5-7-5 rhythmic count to paint its vision.
Here’s an example of a Japanese to English translation of a Matsuo Basho haiku:
行春や = Yuku haru ya (5) = “Spring is passing.”
鳥啼き魚の = Tori naki uwo no (7) = “The birds cry and the fishes’ eyes are”
目は泪 = Me ha namida (5) = “With tears.”
Note that the original Japanese relies on three lines with a 5-7-5 syllabic count; however, when you translate Basho’s poem into English, obviously the syllabic
count no longer applies.
Your first assignment this week is to write 20 haiku poems. The first 10 should be about nature (and your place in the natural world) and adhere to the 5-7-5
syllabic count; and the second 10 can take any form you want as long as they are short pieces that capture natural imagery.

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