Assignment: Choose one (1) of the following options:

  1. INTERPRETATION OF A SINGLE POEM: Write an essay in which you interpret the overall meaning (or message) of a single poem from those we read. Choose a poem which you feel will provide enough depth and material for your essay. Make sure to express the meaning (or message) in a clear thesis statement. The best way to approach this essay would be to ask yourself: “What’s the single message, or lesson, the poet is trying to get across?” If you can answer that question, you’ll be on your way to developing an arguable thesis. A thesis statement will look something like this: “In the poem {insert name of poem}, the author {name of author} suggests that {insert a claim that is arguable}. For example: In the poem, “The Vigil,” the poet Rumi suggest that human beings have an innate need for a spiritual companionship that ultimately finds us.
  2. COMPARISON OF TWO POEMS: Write an essay in which you compare two poems. Choose two poems that have significant similarities and differences so that they provide you with interesting material to discuss. Make sure to express a clear thesis that encompasses both poems. A thesis statement will look something like this: In the poems {insert name of poem} and {insert name of other poem}, the two poets assert the similar message that {insert a claim that is arguable}. For example: In the poems “The Vigil” and “The Moth,” both Rumi and Walther de la Mare develop the similar theme of being inexplicably drawn to a power both within and without oneself.

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