CLO 1: Demonstrate theoretical knowledge of the literature on managing diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

CLO 2: Evaluate the business, policy and social contexts of workplace diversity including the sociological and psychological perspectives, the role of leadership, and its implications for organizational practice.

Student teams will debate each other on emerging issues in diversity and inclusion in organizations and will be assessed on both and group performance (debate 20%) and individual Scrapbook/journal (10%).

Statements for Debate

• Individuals and groups are implicitly or explicitly excluded from job opportunities, information networks, human resource investments, and the decision-making process because of their actual or perceived membership in a minority or disfavored identity group.

• Social identifcation with certain groups leads to activities that are congruent with the group’s collective identity and that foster stereotypical perceptions of self and others.
• Diversity and inclusion are not just a “nice to have.”
• Fewer employees will think about leaving their organizations when organizations’ leaders act as role models to encourage diversity and inclusion.
• People desire to belong to groups that enjoy distinct and positive identities.
• Gender inequality exists despite EEO policies.

Debate Guidelines:

Students arrange themselves into teams of 3-5 members (depending on the number of students) to debate on three statements. All teams have to consulate with each other and agree on the THREE statements to be debated.

You will either agree or disagree to a given statement. For example, Team A will agree to the given statement. Team B will disagree to the given statement. Each group will present and defend their side. Students need to base their arguments based on logical reasoning and theories covered in class.

Note: You will have to argue your side regardless of personal feelings.

Each group will follow the Debate Guidelines outlined below.
Students should prepare themselves for the debate by:

  1. Researching the topic carefully
    a. Be clear about the facts; identifying the issues; researching the issues; preparing a list of reasons why you agree or disagree to the statement.
    b. Predicting the arguments of the opposing team; preparing a rebuttal of the arguments of the other team; preparing a list of questions.
  2. You must prepare notes of what each speaker will say
    a. Speaker 1: Introduction of the statement from the team’s point of view, and supporting arguments of the team’s position
    b. Speaker 2: Additional stronger and supported arguments of the team’s positions and weakening the other team’s arguments.
    c. Speaker 3: Questions that you will ask the other team. Predict what questions you will be asked and how you will reply to them.
    d. Speaker 4: Summarization of the case and what you finally want to say to the audience to support your position.
  3. The debate will run in the classroom. The audience will be your class mates.

Debate Instructions
Team members are required to follow the below instructions & every student will be timed by the judges.

Speaker 1 Team A: Introduce Team A Position – 3 minutes
• Present a good introduction that attracts the audience’s attention and interest in the topic
• Give a brief summary of the statement from Team A’s point of view
• Clearly state Team A’s position and support with reason and evidence and the appropriate logical and theoretical reasoning.
Speaker 1 Team B: Introduce Team B Position – 3 minutes
• Present a good introduction that attracts the audience’s attention and interest in the topic
• Give a brief summary of the statement from Team B’s point of view
• Clearly state Team B’s position and support with reason and evidence and the appropriate logical and theoretical reasoning.
Speaker 2 Team A: Cross Examination of Team B Position – 3 minutes
• Expose weaknesses in Team B’s argument
• Clearly state Team A’s more supporting arguments
• Support with reason and evidence and the appropriate logical and theoretical reasoning.
Speaker 2 Team B: Cross Examination of Team A Position – 3 minutes
• Expose weaknesses in Team A’s argument
• Clearly state Team B’s more supporting arguments
• Support with reason and evidence and the appropriate logical and theoretical reasoning.

Interactive Question & Answer Session – 6 minutes

Speaker 3 Team A & Speaker 3 Team B
• Speaker 3 Team A will be allowed to ask 2 questions to challenge the opposing Team to expose weaknesses in opposition’s position (1 minute)
• Then Speaker 3 Team B will respond to question (2 minutes)
• Speaker 3 Team B will be allowed to ask 2 questions to challenge the opposing Team to expose weaknesses in opposition’s position (1 minute)
• Then Speaker 3 Team A will respond to question (2 minutes)

Both teams will be given time to conclude and summarize – 2 minutes

Speaker 3 or 4 Team A: Conclusion and Summary Argument – 3 minutes
• Try to convince the audience that Team B has failed to carry the burden of proof
• Conclude effectively and ask for the audience to agree with Team A’s position based on the arguments
Speaker 3 or 4 Team B: Conclusion and Summary Argument – 3 minutes
• Try to convince the audience that Team A has failed to carry the burden of proof
• Conclude effectively and ask for the audience to agree with Team B’s position based on the arguments

Grade A: Excellent
Overall, a very impressive and excellent piece of work. Includes the majority of the following features:
• Demonstrates an understanding of the task which may be beyond what is expected, but which is always relevant.
• Original perspective on the problems in question. Contextualization of sources and viewpoints and comprehensive evaluation of contributions. Insightful application of relevant theories in addressing the issues/questions.
• Use of wide range of relevant sources, which are integrated and critically evaluated.
• Well-structured and organized with a clearly developed line of reasoning. Appropriate length.
• Referencing follows consistent academic conventions with all references fully and accurately cited.
• Clear, articulate style with accurate spelling, word choice and grammar. Target band level surpassed by 1.0

Grade B: Good
Overall, a good and commendable piece of work. Includes the majority of the following features:
• Demonstrates sound understanding of the task. Presentation of points and arguments generally relevant to the question.
• Sustained commentary on evidence and materials used. Inclusion of appropriate critical perspective. Use of theoretical models in a relevant way to address the issues/questions.
• Sound understanding of main sources of literature, well summarized and used in a critical and relevant way.
• Clear structure and presentation. Control of length.
• Generally consistent and accurate referencing.
• Generally accurate spelling, word choice and grammar. Target band level surpassed by 0.5.

Grade C: Satisfactory
Overall, a satisfactory piece of work. Includes the majority of the following features:
• Understands main point of the task. Most points and arguments presented are relevant to the question.
• Adequate commentary on evidence and materials used. Some evidence of critical awareness. Use and understanding of theoretical models, but in a fairly pedestrian way.
• Adequate range of source material consulted. Clear understanding of the literature used.
• Good structure and presentation, minor problems in organization do not impede communication. Control of length
• Generally consistent referencing.
• Comprehensible spelling, word choice and grammar, inaccuracies do not impede meaning. Target band level achieved.

Grade D: Marginal Pass
Overall, a bear pass. Includes the majority of the following features:
• Understanding of basic concepts and effort made to relate them to the question.
• Argument mainly descriptive points and/or points which requires greater substantiation. More development of ideas needed to sustain an argument. Identification of main issues, but little critical awareness.
• Some evidence of reading and understanding of the literature, but range and /or relevance very limited.
• Attempt made at coherent presentation, but ideas not well integrated. Length may be considerably off target.
• Some attempt at consistent referencing.
• Comprehensible spelling, word choice and grammar, although inaccuracies may sometimes impede meaning. Below the target band level.

Grade F: Failure
Overall, a very poor piece of work. Includes the majority of the following features:
• Inadequate or misunderstanding of task. Purely descriptive account with little or no analysis.
• Irrelevant comments and/or assertions, which are not supported by meaningful evidence. Little evidence of integration of various sources to sustain an argument. Lack of any critical or appreciative framework.
• Few relevant sources used and/or little use of literature.
• Unstructured presentation and/or lack of coherence, which impedes understanding. Length problematic.
• Little or no attempt at consistent referencing.
• Major inaccuracies in grammar, word choice and spelling. Well below the prescribed proficiency IELTS.

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