This assignment comprises the first stage in any professional project: evaluating the existing product (the current live version of Straddl – link: and using that evaluation to propose ideas for changes and additions to the website, and how that will work.
Write a 1000-word critique of Straddl and identify or plan ways in which you might contribute to the site this semester.
‘Critiquing’ means more than just identifying strengths and weaknesses: it means explaining in what specific ways aspects of Straddl are strong or weak, and why you think that these aspects should or should not be used in the updated version of the site. If you feel that Straddl cannot be improved in any way, you must indicate the site’s specific strengths and explain why these strengths would benefit the updated version. If you discuss weaknesses, you must indicate how these might be fixed.
When considering your planning, you need to remember that Straddl is designed to demonstrate an understanding of the industry and its current environment. The exact details of how that happens are up to you, and creativity and innovative thinking are encouraged.
Your critique and plan must consider the following:
• The purpose of Straddl (why it exists, what service it provides, who uses it).
• Strengths and weaknesses of the site, explaining specifically why/how these aspects are strong or weak, and appropriate solutions to address any weaknesses identified.
• What you feel should be changed/added/removed/improved.
• What areas of the redevelopment project you would like to work on, and what skills and experience you have that would make you a good candidate for work in this area.
• How will each planned detail / aspect of the Straddl redevelopment benefit the users?
• What form will your proposed changes take? Website, blog, YouTube, Facebook, or a combination?
• What original content will be produced and distributed? Will third party content be distributed via the resource?
• The production schedule of the original content and effort and materials needed.
• Your decisions must be supported by a combination of scholarly and trade sources.
You might also choose to include:
• Defining what the ‘local’ media industry is
• Are there any competing online resources?
• Look, feel, and navigability.
• Marketing and promotion.
You are encouraged to tailor your critique to particular areas of the site with which you would like to be involved during the redevelopment process this semester. In doing so, you must consider your own knowledge, skills and experience, and how you might best apply that to this project.
You should also refer to the marking criteria (which is attached) as a guide when preparing your critique.
Please note, when suggesting areas of the project I would like to work on, these must be attainable and able to be achieved – as I will actually have to follow this through myself and will form the basis of my work this semester.