Stance on Topic: Diversity should be used as a downstream factor for equally qualified applicants only not a determining factor used at the beginning of the hiring process
Merit vs Diversity: Which Should Tip the Scale when Hiring Talent?
Introduction to Research Paper. ½ pg
What is the Merit Principle? Why is it good? Why is it bad? 2 pgs
What is Workplace Diversity? Why is it good? Why is it bad? Does creating diversity policy assume that diverse individuals are not the most qualified? 2 pgs
Is one better than the other? Should Workplace Diversity trump Merit (i.e. Merit Principles or Merit Systems)? How do the two concepts conflict? 2 pgs
Does this inhibit individuals who are more qualified but do not contribute to workplace diversity from the protection of the merit principles? Should diversity be a downstream factor for equally qualified applicants only? Or should it be considered before merit? How do you protect the merit principle while creating diversity? 3 pgs
Summary and Conclusion ½ pg

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