You will be writing a rhetorical analysis of a critical article written about My Last Duchess.
The introduction should focus on describing the article, its exigency (the reason for being written), and its
rhetorical situation.
Author/Encoder: Using examples from the article and your own analysis, describe who the author of the

article is.
Audience/Decoders: Using examples from the article and your own analysis, describe who the intended
audience is and why.
Subject: Describe the subject of the article and how it is explained or expounded upon. Examine the
information, argument, reasons, evidence, data, and structure of the article.
Ethos: Explain the character and background of the author and how these things influence the article’s

overall effectiveness.
Pathos: Describe the emotional appeals within the article and how they influence the article’s overall
Logos: Describe the logical appeals within the article and how they influence the article’s overall

Discussion and Conclusions to wrap it up

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