Executive Summary

Outpatient Therapy Program services include Crisis Intervention, Like Skills Training, community psychiatric support, and treatment and psychosocial Rehabilitation Social Work for children, adolescents, young adults, and their families from ages 0-64 years. The Outpatient Therapy Program is new, and will be fully financed by the Company. Key personnel include social workers and the some partner health workers in the agencies within which services will be offered.


The name of our Outpatient Therapy Program is “Aspiring Behavioral Health Services”, offering services such as Crisis Intervention, Like Skills Training, community psychiatric support, and treatment and psychosocial Rehabilitation Social Work, for children, adolescents, young adults and their families from ages 0-64 years. The program is projected to have a timespan of 8 weeks. Resources required for the program include transport means and training materials.

Mission Statement:

We are committed to provide holistic recovery services that value and respect the innate dignity of every person. Our services are defined by the values and uniqueness of individual empowerment, caring, knowledge, potential, and effectiveness of an individual to collaborate actively in their recovery. We will evaluate ourselves by our ability in assisting individuals to experience a full life free from personal or environmental deficits.


An exceptional community resource for paramount in recovery services.

Program goal:

The overall goal of the Outpatient Therapy Program is to promote the functioning of individuals and their families with special needs through the provision of training and Therapy to the individuals and their families or group.
Program Values:


•      We aim at providing the highest quality of services to our clients and community.


•      We treat each person with uniqueness, courtesy, honesty, and kindness.


•      We strive to enhance our operations and services by focusing on current, as well as future needs.


•      We are aware and accountable for our actions towards ourselves, others, and the communities that we serve.



Industry Analysis

The therapy rehabilitation centers industry comprises of both outpatient and inpatient therapy facilities providing physical, occupational, and speech pathology therapy services. Since 2009, the industry has experienced revenue growth at the rate of 3.5% to $27. 5 billion, attributed to the increasing acceptance of the benefits of physical therapy.

Customer Analysis

The program will focus on offering services to clients such as children, adolescents, young adults and their families from ages 0-64 years. Services offered will be Crisis Intervention, Like Skills Training, community psychiatric support and treatment and psychosocial Rehabilitation Social Work

Marketing Plan

The methods proposed for use to reach out to our clients will include posters in the agencies where the services will be provided.

Operations Plan

Service 1-Independent Living/Skills Building

Service Description: training families and children who are about to transit to adulthood with the necessary knowledge, skills, and support to enable them acquire, improve, and retain self-help, adaptive skills, and socialization to be successful in employment, housing, and community life.

Strategies/objective(s) Activities Target Audience
The training aims at offering children and families who are transitioning to adulthood with support, skills, and knowledge in acquiring, improving and retaining self-help, adaptive skills, and socialization necessary for them to be successful in the domains of housing, employment, community life, and education and to reside successfully in the home and community settings.

To develop a partnership with the young children to help them arrange for the services they need to access transport, employment, education, and housing.

Career planning Transition Coordinator Agency
Daily Living
Home life
Housing and money management
Social relationships
Work life
Work and study skills







Service 2 – Adult Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSP)

Service description: designed to assist individuals to eliminate functional deficits and interpersonal barriers associated with their mental illness.

Objective/strategies Activities Target Audience
To assist individuals with compensating for functional deficits and environmental barriers associated with mental illness.


To restore the integration of individuals as a productive and active member of the family and community

Daily and community living skills Mental health rehab agencies,  behavioral health rehab provider agency, mental health clinics
Socialization skills
Adaptation skills
Development of leisure time interests and skills
Work readiness
Identification and management of mental illness
Mental health education


Service 3 – Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSP)

Service description: designed to assist individuals to eliminate functional deficits and interpersonal barriers associated with their mental illness.

Objective/strategies Activities Target Audience
To assist individuals with compensating for functional deficits and environmental barriers associated with mental illness.


To restore integration of the individual as a productive member in the family and community

Daily and community living skills Mental health rehab agencies,  behavioral health rehab provider agency, mental health clinics
Socialization skills
Adaptation skills
Development of leisure time interests and skills
Work readiness
Identification and management of mental illness
Mental health education





Service 4- Crisis Intervention

Service description: designed for Symptom reduction, stabilization and restoration to a previous level of functioning.

Strategies/ objectives Activities Provider qualification
Stabilization, Symptom reduction, and restoration to a previous functioning

Preliminary assessment of mental status, risk, and medical stability

Crisis resolution and debriefing

Follow up with individuals with the caretaker or family member

Consultation with a physician to assist with specific crisis

CI emergent


Practitioner with master’s degree in social work, psychology, counseling, or a related human services field.

Certification in the State of Luisiana to provide the service, which includes criminal, Employed by a mental rehabilitation agency, LEZ or licensed clinic or otherwise credentialed by the SMO because of accessibility issues.


CI Ongoing


Assessment of risk
Assessment of mental status


Assessment of medical stability


Community Psychiatric Support and Treatment

Service description: Assisting family members and individuals to identify treatment options related to the individual’s mental illness.

Objectives/Strategies Activities Provider qualifications
Assist family members and individuals to identify treatment options related to the individual’s mental illness.

Maximizing the negative effects of mental illness symptoms or associated environmental stressors or emotion disturbances, which impact on such aspects as financial management, employment, housing, or academic progress, family or interpersonal relationships, personal recovery or resilience, and community integration.

Solution-focused intervention, individual supportive counseling, emotional and behavioral management, and problem behavior analysis.

Assisting individuals develop and implement social, daily living, interpersonal, independent living, self-care skills to help them restore stability and adapt to community living.

Participation and utilization of strengths-based planning and treatments by assisting the individuals and family members to identify strengths, resources, natural support, and developing goals and objectives to utilize personal strengths, resources to address functional deficits associated with mental illness.

Restoration, rehabilitation, and support to develop daily living skills specific to managing their own home.

Solution-focused intervention Practitioner with master’s degree in psychology, social work, counseling, or a related human services field.

Certification in the State of Luisiana to provide the service, which includes criminal, Employed by a mental rehabilitation agency, LEZ or licensed clinic or otherwise credentialed by the SMO because of accessibility issues.

Individual supportive counseling
Emotional and behavioral management,
Problem behavior analysis



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