Carefully read each question and select the answer that best answers the question

  1. For this textbook, which of the following statements define ethics EXCEPT:
    a. What does it mean to be a school leader?
    b. How should the human beings in school treat one another?
    c. How should the educational institutions that we call “school” be organized?
    d. What is right, fair and just?
  2. The 2008 ISLLC standards can be best viewed as:
    a. A set of ethical standards
    b. As high-level guidance about the responsibilities and function of school leaders
    c. As high-level guidance about how school leaders ought to act
    d. A set of standards defining how school leaders should promote the success of every student
  3. Ethical framework can be best described as appropriate EXCEPT when:
    a. Considering the impact of decisions on others
    b. Solving ill-structured problems that present ethical dilemmas (page 7)
    c. Considering the impact on the leaders personally
    d. Solving structured problems that do not present dilemmas
  4. A new principal should nurture ethical conduct among the instructional staff at his/her school. Which of the following actions by the principal is most likely to help with this endeavor?
    a. Practice and model appropriate ethical frameworks when making decisions
    b. Provide orientation and training in the use of ethical frameworks for all instructional staff.
    c. Develop a confidential reporting system for instructional staff to report unethical behavior in others
    d. Work with the school committee to include ethical behavior in the campus mission statement.
  5. All of the following policy actors significantly impact public education EXCEPT:
    a. Local school boards
    b. National School Board Associations
    c. City council
    d. State departments of education
  6. Which of the following federal laws prohibit discrimination based on race, sex, religion or color?
    a. Civil Rights Acts
    b. Title IX
    c. Title II
    d. Equal Opportunities Act
  7. The first federal court level is which of the following?
    a. Federal district court
    b. Federal courts of appeal
    c. Commonwealth court
    d. Appellate courts
  8. Which of the following U. S. Supreme court cases FIRST established that the Constitution applies to school districts and school boards?
    a. West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette
    b. Tinker v. Des Moines
    c. Brown v. Board
    d. New York city Board of Education v. Doe
  9. A middle school traditionally allows students to distribute flyers for Halloween parties, Valentine dances and sports leagues. All was well until 6th grader, Allison, brought a flyer inviting fellow students to a Christmas party at her school. This party featured snacks, ping-pong, foosball, and Christian fellowship. Her invitation created concern among the teachers. Which of the following is the best response to Allison’s request?
    a. Ban the flyer
    b. Allow Allison to distribute the flyer at the same times and places that other flyers are distributed
    c. Allow Allison to distribute the flyer after school only
    d. Sixth grade students do not have First Amendment Rights
  10. Which of the following U. S. Supreme cases established student procedural due process rights when out-of-school suspension is being considered?
    a. Brown v. Board of Education (1954)
    b. Goss v. Lopez (1975)
    c. Tinker v. Des Moines (1969)
    d. Wood v. Strickland (1975)
  11. Which of the following Supreme Court cases established the constitutionality of corporal punishment in public schools?
    a. Nelson v. Heyne (1974)
    b. Golden v. Anders (2003)
    c. Garcia v. Miera (1987) d. Ingraham v. Wright (1977)
  12. Which of the following BEST summarizes the U. S. Supreme court ruling in Safford v. Redding (2009)?
    a. Don’t search female student’s underwear
    b. An intrusive search requires distinct elements of justification that the search will pay off
    c. An intrusive search requires significantly more privacy than the search of a student’s outer clothing
    d. Students sometimes conceal contraband in the lining of their underwear
  13. Which of the following is the most prudent action when law enforcement is questioning students at school regarding alleged criminal activity in the community?
    a. Miranda warnings are in order since students may feel as if they cannot leave or refuse to answer questions
    b. Miranda warnings are not needed because students should know that they are not required to answer questions
    c. Miranda warnings are in order because students are under arrest
    d. Miranda warnings are not needed when the student is under 18 years of age
  14. Which of the following is the most difficult student search decisions school leaders often face?
    a. When to start a search
    b. When to stop a search
    c. Whether or not reasonable cause has been established in a particular situation
    d. Whether or not the information used as a basis for the search is reliable
  15. Which of the following best describes the Free Exercise Clause in a public school setting?
    a. Students are free to exercise their religious beliefs
    b. Prohibits school officials from interfering with religious expression
    c. Students and teachers are free to express their religious views in a variety of ways
    d. School officials should respect all religious views
  16. A new principal is approached by the PTO president. The PTO president proposes that the organization solicit private funds to purchase framed copies of the Ten Commandments to post in the hallway and in the classrooms. Which of the following U.S. Supreme Court decisions provides the best guide for the principal to use in responding to this request?
    a. Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971)
    b. Lynch v. Donelly (1984)
    c. Lee v. Weisman (1992) d. Stone v. Graham (1980)
  17. A new high school principal learns that it has been past practice for the senior class faculty sponsor to work with the senior class officers to organize baccalaureate services at a local church. The superintendent asks the principal to review this practice. Which of the following U. S. Supreme court decisions would best guide the principal?
    a. Santa Fe v. Doe (2000)
    b. Good News club v. Milford (2001)
    c. Engel v. Vitale (1962)
    d. Lee v. Weisman (1992)
  18. Which of the following two Amendments to the U. S. Constitution guarantee due process of law? (Two answers are correct here)
    a. First Amendment
    b. Fifth Amendment
    c. Second Amendment
    d. Fourteenth Amendment
  19. A public school teacher brings suit against a school district board of education for wrongful termination. The teacher claims that board violated her First Amendment rights of freedom of speech when the board terminated her employment. Which of the following best describes this type of case?
    a. State law case
    b. Civil Case
    c. Criminal Case
    d. Federal Case
    Questions 20 is based on the following scenario:
    A new principal searches an 11 year-old female student’s purse, jacket and jean pockets for illegal drugs. No illegal drugs were found. The student’s parents bring suit charging that the search violated their daughter’s right to be free of unreasonable search of her person and property.
  20. In which of the following jurisdictions are the parents in the case of the principal who searched an 11 year-old student mostly likely to file?
    a. Local Prosecuting attorney
    b. U. S. Supreme Court
    c. State Supreme Court
    d. Federal District Court
  21. When all the judges in a federal circuit elect to hear a case, the judges are said to be sitting:
    a. En banc
    b. Writ of certiorari
    c. Stare decisis
    d. Settlement
  22. Rocky Road School District Board of Education opens each meeting with a prayer. A few citizens have questioned this practice. Which of the following is the best defense to this practice?
    a. School boards serve a legislative function and as such are allowed to open meetings with a prayer
    b. School boards are closely aligned with public education and opening meetings with a prayer provides a good role model for the students and parents
    c. Prayer is a good idea because this school district needs all the help it can get
    d. If the prayer presents a problem to some, tell the public when the prayer will be done and allow them to adjust their schedules to attend accordingly.
  23. A principal has been informed by a parent that sixth grade teacher, Mr. Goode, has an open Bible on his desk and encourages students to attend revival services sponsored by his church by offering “bonus points” to students who turn in a revival program. Which of the following best describes the most appropriate response?
    a. Allow Mr. Goode to have an open Bible but inform him not to encourage students to attend religious activities
    b. Tell Mr. Goode to remove the Bible from his desk, but if he continues to offer bonus points for attending revival services he must find an alternative community event and offer the same opportunity for bonus points as he does for the revival
    c. Since students voluntarily attend the revival activities it is appropriate to offer bonus points
    d. Inform Mr. Goode to remove the Bible and tell him to refrain from encouraging attendance at religious events in the community.
  24. Which of the following federal laws protect personal student information?
    a. NCLB
    b. FERPA
    c. Title IX
    d. CIPA
  25. In Morse v. Frederick, the Supreme Court was careful to limit their ruling to which of the following?
    a. Restricted speech at school sponsored activities that could reasonably be viewed as promoting drug use
    b. Restricted speech at school sponsored activities that could reasonably be viewed as promoting marijuana use
    c. Restricted speech at school sponsored activities that could reasonably be viewed as profane
    d. Restricted speech at school sponsored activities that could be reasonably viewed as a message that runs counter to the mission of the school
  26. Which of the following U. S. Supreme Court cases best provides guidance regarding school library content?
    a. Tinker v. Des Moines (1969)
    b. Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier (1988)
    c. Counts v. Cedarville School District (2003)
    d. Board of Education v. Pico (1982)
  27. An athletic director discovers that female students are proportionately under-represented in state activity sponsored athletics. Which of the following actions he should recommend?
    a. Survey to determine female interest and abilities in various state activity sponsored sports
    b. Budget more funds into female sports program
    c. Drop a boy’s sport to better adjust the number of males and females participating in state activity sponsored sports
    d. Add several state activity sponsored girls sports to the athletic program
  28. A new principal is participating in his first drug dog search. Which of the following should NOT be subjected to a dog sniff search?
    a. Student lockers
    b. Student automobiles in the school parking lot
    c. Book bags and other student personal items
    d. Students
  29. The U. S. Supreme has established that the random and suspicion-less urinalysis testing is constitutional for which of the following groups of students?
    a. Students driving to school, involved in band activities, involved in cheerleading
    b. Students involved in band activities, interscholastic athletics, cheerleading
    c. Students who drive to school to participate in band activities
    d. Students driving to school
  30. The federal Gun Free Schools Act provides for which of the following?
    a. The expulsion of students who possess a gun in school but will allow lawful storage of firearms in a locked vehicle on school property
    b. The expulsion of students who possess a gun in school but requires that students expelled for possession of a firearm to be given alternate educational services
    c. The expulsion of students who possess a gun in school and allows for the modification of expulsions under certain circumstances
    d. The expulsion of students with the exception of those who are classified under IDEIA
  31. Courts are generally supportive of zero tolerance suspensions for weapons possession under which of the following circumstances?
    a. The suspension is rationally related to school safety and has created a true threat
    b. The suspension is afforded adequate procedural due process
    c. The student was disruptive to good order and discipline in the school
    d. The suspension is rationally related to school safety and is supported by the board of education
  32. Which of the following types of sexual harassment have been established by law?
    a. Deliberate indifference and quid pro quo
    b. Quid pro quo and hostile environment
    c. Sexual misconduct and hostile environment
    d. Hostile environment and deliberate indifference
  33. As a principal, you are informed that an incident of sexting has created considerable concern among students, parents and teachers. Which of the following actions is most likely to be effective in addressing the issue of sexting?
    a. Refer sexting students to the superintendent
    b. Organize a school assembly to discuss the dangers of sexting
    c. Send an article to the newspaper outlining the procedures for discipline for those who are violate the sexting policies at school
    d. Develop a simple process for students, parents and others to report incidents of sexting.
    Choose from the following answers:
    A. a,c,d
    B. b,c,d
    C. a,b,c
    D. a,b,d
  34. Which of the following federal laws require schools and libraries to use filtering or blocking technology in order to promote Internet safety?
    a. Child Online Privacy Protection Act
    b. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
    c. Children Internet Protection Act
    d. Schools and Libraries Internet Protection Act
  35. Which of the following best defines a racially hostile environment?
    a. When race-based harassment is sufficiently persistent as to limit a student’s ability to benefit from the opportunities offered by the school
    b. When student or employee harassment is based on race or national origin.
    c. When graffiti, symbols and other forms of expression demean other students because of race or national origin
    d. When school leaders become aware of race-based harassment
  36. Which of the following U. S. Supreme Court decisions first addressed the rights of English language learners?
    a. Brown v. Board
    b. Castanada v. Pickard
    c. Lau v. Nichols
    d. Pyler v. Doe
  37. Which of the following U. S. Supreme Court decisions established that students are entitled to attend public schools whether in the United States or not?
    a. Brown v. Board
    b. Castanada v. Pickard
    c. Lau v. Nichols
    d. Plyler v. doe
  38. Which of the following may a school district NOT require from students before enrolling them?
    a. Proof of residency and a birth certificate
    b. U. S. birth certificate and proof of immigration status
    c. Proof of residency in the district and a current bill
    d. Proof of Guardianship
  39. Which of the following are goals of IDEIA 2004 EXCEPT:
    a. Access to the general curriculum
    b. Increased role and responsibility of parents
    c. Treatment of students with disabilities similarly to regular students in discipline as much as practical
    d. The use of assistive technology to maximize accessibility to the general curriculum
  40. Zero Reject is
    a. The rule against exclusion of children with disabilities regardless of nature of the disability
    b. The rule against exclusion of children with physical disabilities
    c. The rule against exclusion of children with mental disabilities
    d. The rule against the exclusion of any child
  41. Which of the following U. S. Supreme Court decisions established the definition of a Free and Appropriate Public Education under IDEA?
    a. Irving Independent School District v. Tatro (1984)
    b. Debra P v. Turlington (1984)
    c. School Community of Burlington v. Department of Education (1996)
    d. Board of Education v. Rowley (1982)
  42. Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)concerning Special Education is defined as:
    a. Was the IEP developed in cooperation with the parents?
    b. Was the IEP developed in accordance with the procedures mandated by law and will enable the child to receive an educational benefit?
    c. Was the IEP developed when the child and parent were present?
    d. Was the IEP created in accordance with the procedures mandated by law and will allow medication to be given while at school.
  43. Assuming school principals do have liability for student-on-student injuries, which of the following is the MOST LIKELY relevant tort?
    a. Intentional tort
    b. Tort of negligence
    c. Tort of causation
    d. Tort of breach of duty
  44. Which of the following concepts are designed to ensure that school boards and school leaders meet their responsibility to promote security within the school community?
    a. Statutory immunity and tort liability
    b. Risk Management and tort liability
    c. Intentional torts and statutory immunity
    d. Tort of negligence
    Questions 45 -47 are based on the following scenario:
    You are the new principal of Edgewood Elementary school. During the first week of school, a 4th grader, Lindsay Morgan, was injured at recess. Her injuries included a sprained wrist and a large gash on her face requiring several stitches. Lindsay will need plastic surgery to hide the scar left by the cut. Two teachers were assigned recess duty at the time of the injury. The accident report indicates that Lindsay was playing a game of tag football with several 6th grade boys and was knocked the ground. Neither of the supervising teachers saw the accident, but the boys testified that Lindsay collided with one of the boys and knocked to the ground. Lindsay’s insurance company is considering suing the school district, the two teachers individually and you to recover the cost of the emergency room visit, the plastic surgery, Lindsay’s pain and suffering, and her parents lost wages. You have been asked to investigate the incident.
  45. Which of the following best describes the supervising teachers’ duty of care during the recess period that Lindsay was injured?
    a. Duty to take reasonable steps to protect students from injury during recess
    b. Duty to take normal steps to protect students from injury during recess
    c. Duty to take all possible steps to protect students from injury during recess
    d. Duty to take steps to protect students from foreseeable injury during recess
  46. You consider if the possible breach was a proximate cause of the injury to Lindsay. Which of the following factors should you consider in answering this question?
    a. Was the injury preventable?
    b. Was the injury foreseeable?
    c. Was the injury an accident?
    d. Was the injury malicious?
  47. You are concerned that several teachers are concerned about being sued for student injuries and are considering refusing to continue to do recess duty. Which of the following should you do FIRST?
    a. Call a teacher’s meeting and inform them that refusing to participate in recess duty is grounds for dismissal under state law
    b. Send an email to teachers telling them they are required by board policy to participate in recess duty
    c. Call a teacher’s meeting and discuss the details of Lindsay’s injuries, the events that led up to the injury, and the things the supervisors did wrong
    d. Meet with the teachers and explain the elements of the tort of negligence and explain why recess supervision guidelines are in place.
  48. Which of the following federal laws prohibits discrimination in employment based on race, color, religion, gender or national origin?
    a. Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments
    b. Section 701 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
    c. Civil Rights Act of 1871
    d. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
  49. A tornado watch has been issued for your school. As clouds darkened and the local warning sirens sounded the alarm, you quickly move students to the designated areas of safety in the facility. As you make final checks of classrooms and hallways, a parent runs into the building insisting that you release her 3rd grade son to her immediately. Which of the following actions should you take?
    a. Release the child to the parent
    b. Refuse to release the child to the parent
    c. Refuse to release the child but invite the parent to join the students and teachers in the areas of safety in the facility
    d. Call the police and have the parent removed immediately
  50. During an interview with a district search committee, a principal candidate was asked how she would encourage and promote collaborative school culture. Which is the most appropriate response?
    a. The interest of all members of the school community are regarded equally
    b. The interest of the highest performing faculty members are regarded equally
    c. The promotion of school safety is the basis for a collaborative school culture.
    d. Professional development activities should include workshops on collaborative cultures
  51. The burden of proof for a probationary teacher whose contract is not renewed rests with which of the following?
    a. The teacher
    b. The school board
    c. The principal
    d. There is not burden of proof
    Questions 52 – 54 are based on the following scenario:
    Coach Tony Brown retired after 20 years as high school boys’ basketball coach at Rocky Road High School. Anna Smith served as girls’ basketball coach at Rocky High School for the past 10 years. Her teams have won 8 district championships, 4 sectional championships, and reached the Class 3A final four in the previous year. Coach Anna applied for the boy’s head coaching job, was interviewed by the search committee and rated very high on the interviews. You are the principal and you have recommended that the coaching position be offered to a male coach with 3 uneventful years head boys’ coaching experience at a small high school 50 miles away. Coach Anna Smith is considering suing the district.
  52. Assuming that Coach Smith sues the district, the burden of proof that she was not discriminated because of her being a female lies with the following:
    a. Coach Smith
    b. The school district
    c. EEOC
    d. You
  53. Assuming that Coach Smith sues the district, she would most likely bring suit under which of the following?
    a. Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964
    b. EEOC Act of 1972
    c. Title IX
    d. American with Disabilities Act as amended
  54. This scenario could be an example of which of the following?
    a. Discrimination
    b. Disparate impact
    c. Disparate treatment
    d. None of these
    Questions 55-56 are based on the following scenario:
    Frank Jones is a continuing contract social studies teacher at your school. You observe that Mr. Jones’ classes are often unruly. On some days, he sends quite a few students to the assistant principal for discipline. Next door teachers complain that the noise level in his classroom interferes with their teaching.
  55. Which of the following actions are the most appropriate for you as the principal to take FIRST?
    a. Arrange a conference with Mr. Jones to discuss classroom management issues
    b. Arrange for professional development activities to improve teacher classroom management skills
    c. Review office referrals for all teachers to determine if Mr. Jones’ referrals are consistent with the referrals written by other teachers
    d. Arrange a conference with Mr. Jones and ask him to resign effective at the end of the school year
  56. You meet with Mr. Jones and inform him of his deficiencies and devise a remediation plan, if he does not remediate his deficiencies, which of the following grounds for a continuing contract teacher would be the most appropriate for you at this time?
    a. Insubordination
    b. Immorality
    c. Incompetence
    d. Neglect of duty
  57. You have been appointed to a middle school as the new principal in which scores on the state test have been in decline for the past three years. The school is in danger of not meeting AYP. Which of the following actions will you most likely do to address the declining test scores?
    a. Continue to monitor the faculty to ensure that all curriculum guides are being followed
    b. Create collaborative committees composed of teachers, students, parents and community members to develop a plan of action
    c. Hire an outside consulting firm that has demonstrated expertise in school improvement
    d. Develop teams of central office personnel and other campus principals to participate in collaborative evaluation of faculty
  58. Which of the following U. S. Supreme Court decisions established the concept of academic freedom and public schools should be a “market place of ideas?”
    a. Keffe v. Geankos (1969)
    b. Fowler v. Board of Education (1987)
    c. Keyishan v. Board of Regents (1967)
    d. Borger v. Board of Education (1965)
  59. Middle School band teacher Fred Greene wrote a letter to the editor of the local newspaper outlining his concerns about district financial support for band students. Specifically, Fred contended that his continued requests for funds to repair and/or replace band instruments were routinely rejected by you, the principal. Which of the following actions do you feel is the most appropriate to take in this situation?
    a. Arrange a meeting with Mr. Greene and inform him that the letter was an inappropriate way to express his concerns about funding for band instruments.
    b. Arrange a meeting with Mr. Greene and seek to understand his perception of the problem
    c. Arrange a meeting with Mr. Greene and inform him that he if he does not write a retraction that he will be fired
    d. Arrange a faculty meeting to discuss appropriate ways to express concerns about funding
  60. Have you signed up for the praxis yet?
    a. Yes
    b. No

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