Based on the case study below prepare for the 4 min transcript of role Play recording (social worker) and that police officer. The negotiation process is to make the agreement with that police as much as possible. You don’t need to focus on the addressing task completely in this 4min role play. The important is on the process to make the agreement as much as possible and how to matin a positive relationship during arguing. However, before when u prepare this, Plz login my account and need you master this subject completely. However it will fail and leave the focus on the role play. Additionally, U also need to prepare the reaction of that police officer. The first three week powerpoint is very very important when you prepare this transcript of recoding, particularly on week 3. Its unlikely to disregard and as well i attached a feedback file for you that you can know how to reach the standard during the 4min recording role play. Rmb you need to reveal the negotiation skills and integrate theory and practice to my role play. Additionally, I attached the course outline that fulfill your familiarity of this course that can perform well on the role play recording. account Name: LEUTY012 Pw: HKboy111 E-reading to master the course which is needed to read. When the recoding start, you imagine you finished that conference about DV and find the police officer. You dont need to introduce yourself. During the negotiation process, what does the Social worker/police officer want. what is the common ground. What is SW/ PO batna?BATNA?Best Alternative to a negotiated agreement), source of power. You need to carefully analyze before you start that negotiation.less
You are employed as a social worker in a large community-based organisation which provides a diverse range of services and programs to the community.
Your manager has just received an invitation to represent the organisation on the Family Violence Steering Committee which has been established by the State Government to provide advice on policies, strategies and programs to address family violence in South Australia. Your manager cannot participate because she is about to take maternity leave.
She asks you to be her proxy because you manage the organisation’s family violence support service and are the best placed to represent the organisation in her absence. She explains that the committee is comprised of high level representatives from the legal, policing, government, health, domestic violence, crisis accommodation and victims of crime sectors. Decision-making is via consensus.
She hands you the committee’s Terms of Reference on her way out the door and suggests you talk again when she has more time. The next day she asks you what you think. You tell her you feel intimidated by the prospect because committee members are all very senior and have years of experience. Your manager assures you that although you may not be as senior as the other committee members, you are articulate and well acquainted with the issues, and besides, this is a good opportunity for professional development. She strongly encourages you to take the opportunity and declares that you will make an excellent representative for the organisation.
While committee members are welcoming, you get the impression that most have a limited understanding of social work. Although there are other representatives from the human services sector, they are all CEOs who are not involved in direct service delivery. You also doubt they are social work trained.
One of the committee’s tasks is to identify high priority groups and make recommendations for policy and intervention. After some discussion, the committee settles on five priority groups. You think committee members have missed an important priority group – adolescents. You mention that your organisation has seen a spike in the number of adolescent girls and adolescent mothers experiencing violence from their male partners, many of whom are much older than them.
You explain that research suggests that violence is just as pervasive and severe in youth relationships and yet current policy and programs do not recognise youth as victims of violence in their own right. For example, the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010 – 2022 and the 2nd action plan only consider adolescents in terms of being the children of adult women who experience violence. You want to say more but you do not want to sound like a “know-it-all” so you stop there.
The Chair of the committee, Bill, a high ranking police officer, suggests that although you have raised some important points, there is no need to include a special focus on youth because they are “covered” under the other priority groups. He further states that the advice and recommendations the committee makes for each of the priority groups will be applicable to all age groups, not just adults. Besides, the committee cannot include every special interest group – the list would go on and on.
You suspect that Bill does not understand. You respond by explaining that young people under the age of 18 years face age-related and other barriers to services which make them a highly vulnerable group. Although the legal age of consent for sexual intercourse is 17 years of age, adolescent girls cannot access services established for the general population until they reach 18 years of age. Even if this were not the case, however, services generally work within adult-focussed models that are not appropriate for adolescents, particularly those with high and complex needs.
Bill becomes increasingly impatient as you make your points. He rolls his eyes and begins fidgeting with his papers. Finally he interrupts you and asserts in a condescending tone that while he appreciates your “enthusiasm”, it is time for the committee to move on as “this has already taken up considerable time”.
The other committee members seem uncomfortable with what has transpired but they remain silent and do not offer an opinion either way.
Following the meeting, you ask to meet with Bill to discuss how the needs of adolescents might be better represented in the work of the committee going forward.