First, you will summarize the article “Representation of Disney Princesses in the Media, Isabelle Gill, p. 759”, identify the author’s point of view (argument/thesis), describe the author’s approach and writing strategies, assess whether the author’s strategy is effective or not, and provide evidence from the essay to support your point of view. For the evaluative section of the essay, it is recommended you write in 3rd person point of view

Sample Solution

In her essay “Representation of Disney Princesses in the Media,” Isabelle Gill examines the impact of Disney princess films on young girls and their attitudes towards gender roles. She begins by discussing how these films have traditionally portrayed women as helpless victims in need of a Prince Charming to save them from danger. The author then goes on to explain why this kind of representation is damaging, citing evidence from studies that have found it encourages sexist beliefs among young girls who are exposed to it. To further illustrate her argument, she also compares Disney’s more recent attempts at creating progressive female characters, such as Moana and Rapunzel, with examples from classic stories written centuries ago like The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast.

Sample Solution

In her essay “Representation of Disney Princesses in the Media,” Isabelle Gill examines the impact of Disney princess films on young girls and their attitudes towards gender roles. She begins by discussing how these films have traditionally portrayed women as helpless victims in need of a Prince Charming to save them from danger. The author then goes on to explain why this kind of representation is damaging, citing evidence from studies that have found it encourages sexist beliefs among young girls who are exposed to it. To further illustrate her argument, she also compares Disney’s more recent attempts at creating progressive female characters, such as Moana and Rapunzel, with examples from classic stories written centuries ago like The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast.

Gill’s approach is mainly analytical; she provides an overview of past and present representations while also examining relevant research before drawing conclusions about what effect they might have on children who watch them. Throughout the essay, she employs logical reasoning supported by scientific evidence as well as personal anecdotes which serve to make her point more effectively while connecting her writing with readers. Moreover, her writing style is engaging; for instance, when discussing positive role models she writes that “these characters demonstrate strength without relying solely upon physical prowess or male saviors” (p 759). This serves both to capture readers attention while making clear the author’s stance regarding female empowerment.

Overall, Gill’s approach is effective at conveying her message about how media impacts our views towards gender roles. By carefully analyzing various Disney films throughout time alongside reputable studies showing their effects on viewers she successfully demonstrates why these representations can be harmful without attacking any particular works or individuals directly. While some may disagree with certain aspects if not all parts of her argument due to differing interpretations or points of view it cannot be denied that she puts forth an interesting perspective which challenges traditional notions regarding femininity while raising important questions regarding responsibility within entertainment industry today.

For example after providing numerous examples demonstrating how negative stereotypes persist even in newer films such as Frozen (2013) Gill asks: “How much influence does popular culture really have over societal norms? How do we create change?” (p 759). These queries serve remind us that there still much work left done tackling issues related representation women entertainment thus encouraging us challenge ourselves keep pushing forward progress despite obstacles might arise along way.

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