In this course, the research plan simulates a field test of your team’s solution. The research plan includes a set of real-world scenarios that could be experienced by any team in any organization. How will your proposed Task Force Plan stand up against these real-world scenarios?

The Step 4 Scenarios for Testing(new tab) page is not available until your team has completed the Task Force Plan Proposal.

The Results
Testing the solution will yield results. In this course, the results of your test will show the strengths and weaknesses of your Task Force Plan. What you learn from testing your plan against the scenarios will help you revise and clarify your solution.

Instructions for Deliverable
Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade. You can learn more about the specific skills being assessed by reviewing the links in Problem-Based Learning Resources(new tab).
As a team, determine how you will present your test results. An optional template is this Scenario Testing Results Template(Word document).
Each team member must choose at least one of the scenarios listed in Step 4 Scenarios for Testing(new tab). Carefully plan so that each team member is testing against a different scenario. If your team would like to include additional scenarios in this step, determine a team approach to conduct the extra testing.
To conduct the test, read the scenario carefully. Describe how a team would use the Task Force Plan to work through the scenario. Analyze the plan for any weaknesses; does it provide the solution(s) needed? Make recommendations for improving the solutions(s) within the plan to better address the scenario.
Present the results of your test as organized information. Provide a brief summary of the action steps needed to strengthen your solution. Clearly indicate team members’ contributions.
One person from the team must submit the deliverable per the schedule outlined in your Team PBL Plan but no later than Workshop Five.

Each member of the team should select a different scenario to test the Taskforce Plan. To conduct the test, describe how your team would use the Taskforce Plan to work through the scenario? Use the template agreed upon by the team.

Scenario #1 — (low performing team member – absence of trust)

The team is struggling with consistent communication – specifically, one team member is deficient in utilizing technology like ZOOM. Their attendance at team meetings is unreliable, and although the meetings are recorded, this team member is consistently out of step with the rest of the team in terms of information flow. Unwilling to ask for help, or be vulnerable, this team member is afraid of admitting their mistakes – resulting in the absence of trust.

Scenario #2 — (Alpha leader)

There is an ‘alpha’ person on the team. Although their role is not formal (yet) in terms of functioning as a team lead, they do. They are a taskmaster and often forge ahead without full buy-in from team members. They take little care over social niceties and are impatient with anything they see as a time-wasting distraction. This causes others to ‘check out’ because, well, Alpha will do ‘whatever’. One team member noted: “I have realized I am more hands-on in the project when one of the team members is less involved. This team member dominates the discussion. I tend to ‘sit back’ and contribute less when that happens.”

Scenario #3 – (impasse – Fear of Conflict)

In developing options for consideration the team reaches an impasse. One team member gets into the weeds quickly, and struggles with staying on ‘the main thing’. Although the team leans on their “Team Contract” for such situations, ultimately, they determine the Team Contract is not specific enough to provide remedy. These pauses add time to everyone’s already busy schedules and has happened more than once. The end result is a fear of conflict which inturn results in team members incapable of engaging in debates.

Scenario #4 – (VBM/Staffing)

The team is tasked to create a Task Force to address critical business issues, demonstrate virtuous leadership, and implement the VBM model in its work. The team struggles with the resource aspects of ‘how to identify candidates for the Task Force that would implement the VBM model’. The right fit is critically important – essentially the difference between success and failure. What actions can the team advance to identify these candidates and achieve the right fit, right role, right time for the success of the project?

Scenario #5 — (lack of passion – Inattention to Results)

Part of the team is working overtime to make up for other members who do not feel as passionate or accountable about getting this project completed in an excellent manner. These team members tend to put their own needs (ego, recognition, career development) ahead of the team goals. This results in the team losing sight of the ‘main thing’ and the project suffers. As a team functioning to model the VBM, how do you balance grace and holding people accountable for their actions/inactions? How do you handle what feels like disengagement from team members?

Scenario #6 – (ESL)

As a global -based team comprised of colleagues who are not centrally located, the team is expectedly diverse – with members in different time zones, different language dialects, different norms. At times, it is difficult to fully understand what some members are saying when they speak (on ZOOM calls, or other telecom means). As a team that is modeling the VBM, what approaches or tools can be utilized to bridge any language or comprehension gaps? In the absence of this, what are the projected outcomes? Why is this important?

Task Details :

attached task force plan solution as agile methodology , in all these senarios we will do some analysis and give pointers (as per template)

senario ; analysis, action item , solutions

need relate secenarios with agile methodology

need to work on Scenario #3 and Scenario #4

Scenario #3 – (impasse – Fear of Conflict)

In developing options for consideration the team reaches an impasse. One team member gets into the weeds quickly, and struggles with staying on ‘the main thing’. Although the team leans on their “Team Contract” for such situations, ultimately, they determine the Team Contract is not specific enough to provide remedy. These pauses add time to everyone’s already busy schedules and has happened more than once. The end result is a fear of conflict which inturn results in team members incapable of engaging in debates.

Scenario #4 – (VBM/Staffing)

The team is tasked to create a Task Force to address critical business issues, demonstrate virtuous leadership, and implement the VBM model in its work. The team struggles with the resource aspects of ‘how to identify candidates for the Task Force that would implement the VBM model’. The right fit is critically important – essentially the difference between success and failure. What actions can the team advance to identify these candidates and achieve the right fit, right role, right time for the success of the project?

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