The topic is Spanish speaker EFL learning research base on Linguistic data in 3 stages.
To Write this order you need to know well about linguistic data research and know how to use CHILDES Talkbank data base or design a own test to get the test data.
you have to decide first what but just 1-2 grammatical structure or property you want to investigate,since this would guide the type of data you have to collect,
the type of tasks you have to design and the type of participants you have to contact*
– when deciding on the issue to be investigated, start out by establishing some basic initial
research questions you would like to answer (e.g. whether L2 speakers are sensitive to a specific
grammatical property; whether L2 and L1 speakers perceive a specific grammatical property differently;
– the exact amount of participants you need to test depends on the nature of the elicitation
technique but it should be a small group; as an indication, if you have a very short test, you
might want to pass this test to a bigger group of participants -10-; if you design a longer test, it is an Language research paper which contains 3 stages, the writing order is stage 3 but in order to know what exactly you need to write, I will give you the whole 3 stages to have a clear idea. In the additional file there is also the sample of whole 3 stages.
stage 1 involves work in the following fronts:
(1) WHAT: since you need to carry out a language-contact analysis,
you will have to compare two languages (points in common and differences)
(2) WHY: as in any research work, you need to state your initial
hypotheses or research questions which you would like to
confirm/answer with your work
(3) HOW: if you want to characterize how a language-contact
situation works, you need to (i) have access to the relevant
participants; and (2) design a study to elicit data from these
Some clarifications:
(1) this is the planning stage but you will have to carry out this study in stage 2 and 3 which means that what you plan has to be feasible (i.e. no wishful thinking)
(2) you need to search for bibliography (e.g. on how the two
languages involved behave linguistically, on previous studies
similar to the one you would like to carry out); this will allow you to
(i) see how others have a address a study similar to the one you intend to do; (ii) have relevant information for the formulation of your own hypotheses/research questions; (iii) have relevant information for the design of your own elicitation task or for the selection of the data you would like to analyze; and (iv) compare your findings to those in previous studies
Stage 2 involves work in the following fronts:
(1) TASK DESIGN: this needs to be done in accordance with (i) the specific properties you are focusing on and how they are instantiated in the two languages involved; (ii) your initial objectives
(2) DATA ELICITATION: you need to use your task to collect data from your participants
(3) DATA CLASSIFICATION: this needs to be done in terms of the objectives
of your study and should reflect the initial research questions or
hypotheses you seek to answer/confirm
Some clarifications:
(1) the work you have to do involves 4 stages: preparation of the experiment, data elicitation, data classification and description of it all in the actual assignment. you do not have to analyze your data as this is part of stage 3
Stage 3 involves work in the following fronts:
(1) OVERALL: you need to provide a general description of your data in line with your initial objective
(2) SPECIFIC ANALYSES: you need to provide specific analyses of the different issues under consideration as captured in your research questions/hypotheses
(3) CONCLUSIONS: you need to not only describe your data but be able to
interpret these data in the light of the information we have seen in class and of
the previous studies you have initially discussed
ome clarifications:
(1) if what you have presented in previous assignments is well done and sufficient,
you can use it for this assignment; if it is not, you will need to re-plan your study
and, if needed, design a new experiment and collect more data
(2) *assignment 3 must be self contained so no reference to a previous assignment
could be included or assumed, which means that you will need to describe your
study fully
(3) Any work based on data should address at least the following issues
– topic and aim/objective of the study
– general description of the structure to be analyzed and its acquisition
– hypotheses or research questions you set to investigate
– general description of the participants
– general description of the data (type of data, elicitation technique, L1 or L2
involved, etc.)
– classification of the data based on previous description
– analysis of the data based on previous hypotheses or research questions
– conclusions reached after the analysis
More info is in additional file