Bullying, gang violence, and hate crimes

    Bullying, gang violence, and hate crimes all have a common denominator: acts of violence toward individuals or groups from whom the perpetrator(s) feels some level of threat. This threat results in the perpetrator(s) taking action. A bully might attempt...


Topic: Broadly speaking, bullying is an intentional and unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves some kind of a real or perceived imbalance of power. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both children...


Identify any social problem and analyze it using the objective and subjective criteria in the first chapter of your textbook. Why does it qualify as a “social problem” as defined within sociology? What is the shared undesirable condition faced by people...


Bullying is a serious problem, so public- and high-school administrators should devotethemselves to eliminating it from their schools.Write a persuasive research essay on one of the following topics. Please keep your audience in mind: you arewriting a formal essay for...