Criminal Law

  Explain the purpose of criminal law. Then, describe each of the following types of punishment: Deterrence Rehabilitation Incapacitation Retribution Finally, argue which type of punishment is preferable/most appropriate, etc. in today’s society....

Criminal law

    Watch the short videos posted for the week and write a half of a page addressing the issues. What can law enforcement do to combat the crime spikes we are seeing across the U.S.?...

Criminal law

  In the initial post, you are asked to answer the same set of questions first based on the information from the examination in chief and then – from the cross-examination. The objective of these sets of questions is to examine how each side (prosecution and...


Write a two-page paper analyzing the fact pattern presented below. Please use federal law. Your analysisshould include application of the topics covered during the past seven weeks. For example, search andseizure, search warrants, execution of warrants, exceptions to...

Criminal Law

In this essay, you will describe the evolution of the American court system to the modern era. Students shouldidentify the following: The beginnings of the U.S. Court System that was described in the Constitution.The laws passed by Congress that shaped the current...