
Write a 50 to 200-word email to your (hypothetical) boss about one of the following unethical activities you have witnessed in your workplace. Your email must be carefully documented, fair, and persuasive–in short, ethical. cyberbullyingsurfing pornography...


In an essay of 500 to 750 words (approximately 2 to 3 pages), analyze the ethical and legal issues raised byone of the cyberbullying cases described in the article, Cyberbullied to Death: An Analysis of Victims Takenfrom Recent Events.In your view, should the harasser...


Cyberbullying is using technological means to intimidate, spread rumors/slander, harass, threaten, or otherwise use digital media to abuse someone mentally, emotionally, or verbally. Do you think cyber-bullying is a crime that should be punishable by law? Sample...