by Dan | Oct 14, 2022 | anthropology
1. Discuss détente. What effect did détente have on the character of the international economic order? On balance would you say that the advent of détente was a net positive or, negative in international economic relations? Was the end of détente, similarly, a...
by Dan | May 15, 2022 | Algorithm
1) What are the basics of your theory? What does your theory think are the most important things to pay attention to in international relations? What is the role of the state in your theory? 2) What do you find compelling about your theory? What makes it...
by Admin | Nov 13, 2021 | Public relations
A. Global climate change politics and International Relations theories (30 points)We have been focusing on the COP26 climate change talks currently taking place in Glasgow, Scotland. COP26 refers to the Conference of the Parties of the UN Framework Convention on...
by Dan | Apr 12, 2021 | business
I. Identify or define each set of ideas completely and state the political significance. (3 points definition, 2 points significance) Choose 6 of 12 terms this section. Total 30 points this section. Counter Value/Counter ForceDeterrence“Flexible Response”Second Strike...
by Dan | Jan 22, 2019 | Main
Indeed, a critical part of understanding where you are is knowing where you came from and how you got there. With that in mind, in your opinion, what is the most significant historical event that has impacted contemporary international relations? What’s...