Research Project

Chrysler was in Chapter 11, GM was on the brink of bankruptcy, and Ford’s future was at best uncertain. The demise of the U.S. auto industry would have a devastating impact on our national economy and specifically the economies of Michigan and Ohio. Economists...

Research project

Textbook link: Complete the following text ‘Exercises’ found on page 180: Exercise-6.1, and 6.2.Complete the following text ‘Exercises’ found on page 208: Exercise-7.1, 7.2 and 7.37.1 How will, or...

Research project

Conduct a research project and write it up as a formal essay, incorporating feedback from your first assignment. The research project should be structured in the following sections: Introduction: Explain the basis of your research. What is your research question and...

Research Project

Look in depth at education in a non-western culture. You could explore one culture deeply (Chinese, Arabic, Hindu, African, etc.), or explore education in the cultures of the Western Hemisphere. Part of your paper should compare this education with that in Oregon or...