
  Two or more samples are often compared when we suspect that there are differences between the groups—for example, are cancer rates higher in one town than another, or are test scores higher in one class than another? In your chosen field (Social Science), when...


The regional sales manager for American Toys, Inc., recently collected data on weekly sales (in dollars) for the 15 stores in his region. He also collected data on the number of salesclerk work hours during the week for each of the stores. The data are as...


Assume that you have a sample of n1 = 8, with the sample mean X1 = 42, and a sample standard deviation S1 = 4, and you have an independent sample of n2 = 15 from another population with a sample mean of X2 = 34 and a sample standard deviation S2 = 5.a.What is the...


McKee and Ptacek (2001) asked 90 college students about a time they had “delivered bad news” to someone. The table below shows the results for the type of bad news given. Using the data that follow answer the questions listed after the table. Explain the idea of a...


Review the SPSS output file that reports the results of the related samples t-test to compare the number ofU.S. states where each brand was sold in 2008 with the number of U.S. states where those same brands weresold in 2012. For each brand, there is one value for the...