1. You plan to meet with your college advisor to discuss your upcoming internship job placement in the summer. You have found three companies that have good IT internships and you’re meeting with your advisor to put together an application package. You were informed that your package needs to include a paper on any aspect of IT/Networking. a) Review TCP/IP protocols and the flow of data across the layers in the course textbook Guide to Networking Essentials, 7th Edition. Then write a well-researched 3-page paper (with at least 3 cited sources) that you will include in your application package showing your understanding of the topic. b) Include applicable diagrams or images to illustrate the ideas in your paper. The diagrams/illustrations may be your own creation or sourced but must be relevant to your paper and detailed. Must include applicable diagrams or images https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E18752_01/htm1/816-4554/ipov-29.html https://searchnetworking.techtarget.com/deflnition/TCP-IP https://www.oreilly.com/library/viewhvindows-nt-tcpip/1565923774/ch01s05.html



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