Research Question:
“How does reviewing class rules daily impact behaviors among 5th grade students with autism?”
Total Pages Required:32
Additional Pages to do for the course that should coincide with paper:”12 Articles Analyzed”*(see below for details)

Assignment 1 is a minimum eight-page paper (double spaced) that will contain the structured headings of a Chapter 1 in a Thesis paper. DUE May 26th by midnight
You will also need a title page in APA style 6th edition, an abstract page, and a set of Reference pages at the end of the paper, as needed for all assignments in this course.
From the reading that you have engaged in during SPD 695, you should present information on the topic or area that wascovered in the text(s) you read on the topic. You now should have some expertise with respect to this area.
In this Chapter 1, you will design an action research study around a topic that might help you in your own classroom.You do not carry out the study; you only design it so that perhaps, one day with IRB approval, you might conduct it.
For example, perhaps books you have read, in preparation for this course, provided ideas about best practices in Autism. In thatbook, there will be several key areas where you might wonder if those strategies that worked for the teachers (or parents) in the book would also work with students in your own classroom or community.
Maybe one of the best practices was the strategy of using visual schedules for children with autism to improve socialcommunication. Using your new knowledge from SPD 695, you would create a Chapter 1 around a topic like visual schedules,using the following headings in the same chronological order, preceded by the Chapter 1 headings in the sample paper:

  1. Background of the Study
  2. Statement of the Problem
  3. Purpose of the Study
  4. Significance of the Study
  5. Research Question(s)
  6. Assumptions
  7. Limitations (things you cannot control in the study)
  8. Delimitations (the things you can control in the study)
  9. Definitions (that will be a part of your Literature Review – 6 at minimum with citations)
  10. Summary
    A sample Chapter 1 paper will be posted in Course Resources that presents a topic with these ten headings as a visual guide touse in designing your own Chapter 1.
    Please use APA style format 6th edition when it comes to in-text and reference citations. The website OWL Purdue APA is anexcellent resource for this course.
    Your first submission will be graded, so please take the time to produce a quality written paper. That means you should edit itone or two times before submitting it; hence, you should not wait until the weekend it is due to compose your first draft.
    Your professor does not read your drafts ahead of time, so please find someone like a friend or relative or spouse that mightread it over for you.
    If you feel you need help, please contact the online National University Writing Center to help you prior to your submission.

June 1 midnight Assignment 2, *Twelve articles analyzed-12 pages
The focus for Assignment Two is to locate and analyze key elements using a template for the 12 new individual, “single-study” peer-reviewed journal articles that you will use in this course for Assignments 3, 4, and 5.
The template for Assignment 2 (already created for you) contains a table on each page for you to fill in and save. Each template will be one page in length and separated by a page break, so your answers do not have to be long.
The empty template with 12 tables in it has been posted below the title of this Assignment and also in the Course Resources section.
A sample of how to fill out this template for one article in Assignment 2 has been posted in Course Resources as a visual guide. Please review it.
The corresponding journal article to the sample Assignment 2 is also in that same section in Course Resources so that you can follow where the different items were located in the original article.
However, you do not have to post your journal articles with the 12 template document.
In addition, you will need to add to your template for Assignment 2:

  1. a Title Page in APA style 6th edition,
  2. an Abstract page with keywords, and
  3. a set of Reference pages at the end in alphabetical order.
    Do not use Internet Google searches for articles. Instead use psychinfo, ERIC, ProQuest or other databases that will provide you with peer-reviewed journal articles.
    Journal articles that are literature reviews, theses, dissertations, and meta-analyses should not be used for Assignment 2 because they are a collection and analysis of journal articles that other researchers have compiled on the same topic. Points will be marked off if you choose these types of articles. Again, when in doubt, email your professor.
    Article # 1
    Title of Article

Stated research questions and/or hypothesis in the study

Identification of Independent Variable

Identification of Dependent Variable

Identification of Moderator Variable

Identification of Control Variable

Identification of a problem with internal validity in the study and justification of answer: Why or Why not?

Identification of a problem with external validity in the study and justification of answer: Why or Why not?

Article # 2
Title of Article

Stated research questions and/or hypothesis in the study

Identification of Independent Variable

Identification of Dependent Variable

Identification of Moderator Variable

Identification of Control Variable

Identification of a problem with internal validity in the study and justification of answer: Why or Why not?

Identification of a problem with external validity in the study and justification of answer: Why or Why not?

Article # 3
Title of Article

Stated research questions and/or hypothesis in the study

Identification of Independent Variable

Identification of Dependent Variable

Identification of Moderator Variable

Identification of Control Variable

Identification of a problem with internal validity in the study and justification of answer: Why or Why not?

Identification of a problem with external validity in the study and justification of answer: Why or Why not?

Article # 4
Title of Article

Stated research questions and/or hypothesis in the study

Identification of Independent Variable

Identification of Dependent Variable

Identification of Moderator Variable

Identification of Control Variable

Identification of a problem with internal validity in the study and justification of answer: Why or Why not?

Identification of a problem with external validity in the study and justification of answer: Why or Why not?

Article # 5
Title of Article

Stated research questions and/or hypothesis in the study

Identification of Independent Variable

Identification of Dependent Variable

Identification of Moderator Variable

Identification of Control Variable

Identification of a problem with internal validity in the study and justification of answer: Why or Why not?

Identification of a problem with external validity in the study and justification of answer: Why or Why not?

Article # 6
Title of Article

Stated research questions and/or hypothesis in the study

Identification of Independent Variable

Identification of Dependent Variable

Identification of Moderator Variable

Identification of Control Variable

Identification of a problem with internal validity in the study and justification of answer: Why or Why not?

Identification of a problem with external validity in the study and justification of answer: Why or Why not?

Article # 7
Title of Article

Stated research questions and/or hypothesis in the study

Identification of Independent Variable

Identification of Dependent Variable

Identification of Moderator Variable

Identification of Control Variable

Identification of a problem with internal validity in the study and justification of answer: Why or Why not?

Identification of a problem with external validity in the study and justification of answer: Why or Why not?

Article # 8
Title of Article

Stated research questions and/or hypothesis in the study

Identification of Independent Variable

Identification of Dependent Variable

Identification of Moderator Variable

Identification of Control Variable

Identification of a problem with internal validity in the study and justification of answer: Why or Why not?

Identification of a problem with external validity in the study and justification of answer: Why or Why not?

Article # 9
Title of Article

Stated research questions and/or hypothesis in the study

Identification of Independent Variable

Identification of Dependent Variable

Identification of Moderator Variable

Identification of Control Variable

Identification of a problem with internal validity in the study and justification of answer: Why or Why not?

Identification of a problem with external validity in the study and justification of answer: Why or Why not?

Article # 10
Title of Article

Stated research questions and/or hypothesis in the study

Identification of Independent Variable

Identification of Dependent Variable

Identification of Moderator Variable

Identification of Control Variable

Identification of a problem with internal validity in the study and justification of answer: Why or Why not?

Identification of a problem with external validity in the study and justification of answer: Why or Why not?

Article # 11
Title of Article

Stated research questions and/or hypothesis in the study

Identification of Independent Variable

Identification of Dependent Variable

Identification of Moderator Variable

Identification of Control Variable

Identification of a problem with internal validity in the study and justification of answer: Why or Why not?

Identification of a problem with external validity in the study and justification of answer: Why or Why not?

Article # 12
Title of Article

Stated research questions and/or hypothesis in the study

Identification of Independent Variable

Identification of Dependent Variable

Identification of Moderator Variable

Identification of Control Variable

Identification of a problem with internal validity in the study and justification of answer: Why or Why not?

Identification of a problem with external validity in the study and justification of answer: Why or Why not?

Don’t forget to add a Title Page, an Abstract page with keywords, and a set of References pages in alphabetical order. Please read the rubric for this assignment, also.
This Assignment will be titled as Chapter 2 because it is a Literature Review. As all thesis and action research papers havea literature review, which is labeled Chapter 2, we will follow the same structure in this course.DUE June 15, midnight Chapter 2

This assignment requires writing a paper (12 pages minimum for the main body of the paper, double-spaced) that synthesizesthe 12 research articles you reviewed in Assignment 2.

You will also need a title page, an abstract page, and a set of references pages for this assignment – all done accurately in APAstyle format 6th edition. These pages are in addition to 12 pages of your own writing, using citations, in the main body of thepaper.

You should identify several major points of emphasis in the literature you reviewed and then synthesize the articles on howthey address that point. For example, how does the literature address the problems faced in special education?

Please explain how the studies selected participants that are representative of students with that type of problem. It isappropriate to detail some of the studies on what the researchers used as interventions, treatments, or instructional strategies; then describe in detail their characteristics using citations. You can do the same for the measurement of studentbehavior, attitudes, perceptions, achievement, or social/emotional issues.

Please ensure to use only the 12 peer-reviewed journal articles that you reviewed for Assignment 2 in this paper withcitations in APA style format 6th edition.

The templates that you developed in the prior Assignment 2 should be of great benefit to you in completing this assignmentbecause you can paraphrase content from them for this paper with citations from their sources because the ideas belonged tothose authors.

To get an idea of how to synthesize a number of related studies, the Lerman and Vorndran journal article is required reading;it can be found in the Course Resources area of this course. Please read it for style of conducting a synthesis of large body ofwork (and not necessarily content, unless the topic is of interest to you).

Note how the authors identified sections that involved major topics and then addressed collectively the different studies thatapplied to those topics under their own main (APA Level II headings) and sub-headings (APA Level III headings).

It might be helpful to arrange the main and sub-headings for your paper on a separate piece of paper. Then list the studiesyou believe are related to each sub-heading. When you finish this process, you should have a number of your 12 researcharticle studies identified for each sub-heading, which will help you to synthesize the key points in each one of them as its ownAPA Level II heading.

In other words, what the articles have in common as key ideas (i.e., RTI tier 1 strategies would be one APA Level II heading; RTI assessments would be another APA Level II heading), etc.
Determine the sub-headings by examining each article to for its key idea. Then use these key ideas as APA Level III sub-headings; explain the specifics of each study with APA citations and how they related to the main topic under each sub-heading.

Again, APA style format 6th edition is required for this chapter; and to aid in this, we have uploaded a file in Course Resourcescalled “Week 3 Lit Review Chapter 2 example 2015.pdf” that IS REQUIRED READING.

You will use APA style format 6th edition requirements in your submission of Chapter 2 as a WORD file.

Your first submission will be graded, so please take the time to produce a quality written paper. That means you should edit itone or two times before submitting it; hence, you should not wait until the weekend it is due to compose your first draft.
Assignment 5 involves a personal reflection of your selected topic and its application in classroom practice. This assignment is entitled Chapter 4 (first line in the title) and Personal Reflection (second line in the title); it should be a minimum of six pages, double-spaced, in APA format. You will also need a title page, an abstract page, and a set of Reference pages.
This assignment should contain your personal reflections of the topic you selected for this course and used in prior assignments, its utility for classroom application in the field of special education, and how it has changed your view (or not) of being a special education teacher.
Your first submission will be graded, so please take effort to produce a quality written paper. If you feel you need help, please contact the online National University Writing Center to help you prior to your submission. Format for Chapter 4 is on next page.
Please include the three sections listed below in Chapter 4, writing a minimum of six total pages of main body text. This will require that you seriously analyze how this area will impact your teaching practice, and why it is an important area in your chosen topic.
You will also need a title page in APA style 6th edition, an abstract page, and a set of Reference pages at the end of the paper. You will have a minimum of 9 pages in your uploaded file in the Dropbox area, with your full name in the file name.

Using your new knowledge from the Literature Review, where you have collected journal articles of similar studies, you willcreate a Chapter 3 focusing now on Research Methodology, using the following sections in the same chronological order:DUE June 22, midnight Chapter 3

  1. Introduction
  2. Purpose of the Study (restate what you wrote in Chapter 1)
  3. Significance of the Study (summarize what you wrote in Chapter 1)
  4. Research Hypothesis (predictive statement based on research question)
  5. Participants and Setting
  6. Instruments Used in Study (survey, questionnaire, observation form, etc.)
  7. Research Design of the Study
  8. Procedure of Study (list this section step-by-step for future replication)
  9. Collection and Analysis of Data (statistical tool and how you will use it)
  10. Ethical Considerations (based on IRB principles)
  11. Reporting to Interested Grant Stakeholders (parents, community, etc.)
  12. Summary
    A sample Chapter 3 paper will be posted in Course Resources for review that presents a topic that you can use as a visual guide as you design your own Chapter 3.
    You will also need a title page in APA style 6th edition, an abstract page, and a set of Reference pages at the end of the paper.

Assignment 5 involves a personal reflection of your selected topic and its application in classroom practice. This assignment is entitled Chapter 4 (first line in the title) and Personal Reflection (second line in the title); it should be a minimum of six pages, double-spaced, in APA format. You will also need a title page, an abstract page, and a set of Reference pages.
This assignment should contain your personal reflections of the topic you selected for this course and used in prior assignments, its utility for classroom application in the field of special education, and how it has changed your view (or not) of being a special education teacher.
Your first submission will be graded, so please take effort to produce a quality written paper. If you feel you need help, please contact the online National University Writing Center to help you prior to your submission. Format for Chapter 4 is on next page.
Please include the three sections listed below in Chapter 4, writing a minimum of six total pages of main body text. This will require that you seriously analyze how this area will impact your teaching practice, and why it is an important area in your chosen topic.
You will also need a title page in APA style 6th edition, an abstract page, and a set of Reference pages at the end of the paper. You will have a minimum of 9 pages in your uploaded file in the Dropbox area, with your full name in the file name.

Chapter 4
Summary Analysis of Existing Research in Literature DUE June 29, midnight Chapter 4
In this first section, you would summarize your literature review in terms of its application to classroom practice; use citations from the 12 peer-reviewed journals. Please answer these questions below:

  1. How sufficient is the research base to validate empirically this area of inquiry?
  2. How useful are the studies found in the journals for actual classroom practice?
  3. Are there any ideas or practices you found that are not supported by the empirical literature?
  4. What is your “resolution” in regards to that possibility in question 3?
    (Resolution means: How important was it that the empirical evidence (i.e. research studies listed in the literature review inside of the journal article) supported the researchers’ need for the study? What else might have driven the research study?)
    (This first Summary section should be about 2 pages minimum in length with APA style format 6th edition citations.)

Implications for Practice and Teaching
In this section, discuss the possible implications of your study as they relate to your own teaching practice. Use the conclusions from above to personalize the results and talk about how the effort involved in producing a research proposal study has influenced you as a teacher. Please answer these questions below:

  1. What will you change or do differently?
  2. What did you learn about self as a teacher, student learning, teaching practices and/or other related professional issues?
  3. Given your findings, what are the implications for other educators in the field?
    (This second section should be about 2 pages minimum in length, supported by APA style format 6th edition citations.)

Implications for Inquiry and Future Research
Identify the implications for further research and inquiry. Please answer these questions below:

  1. What other studies might be conducted to enhance the evidence base with regard to this procedure or practice?
  2. How did your Literature Review help you to identify these areas for future research?
    (This third section should be about 2 pages minimum in length, supported by APA style format 6th edition citations.)

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