You are asked to be a guest speaker in a high school Health class. Your assigned topic to discuss is the role and importance of the cardiovascular system. Please include your lesson plan notes here (in Word), including the main functions of the cardiovascular system, emphasizing why this system is important for physically active individuals. Include also: two training effects we can see in the cardiovascular system with endurance training (physiological benefits of doing cardio workouts) and conclude with the flow of oxygen from the pulmonary capillaries to the heart and onto the working muscles, and then the flow of CO2 (where did that come FROM?? Hint: ETC) back to the lungs. This may be completed in list form, or with dashes/ arrows, and should include all structures the blood must flow through along the path (i.e. ‘heart’ is not acceptable, but listing the specific atria and ventricles would be). Proper grammar and spelling must be used to earn full credit.

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