
Compare and contrast the worldview, religious beliefs and reform programs of Hans Behem,
Desiderius Erasmus, Martin Luther and “Karsthans,” a fictitious German peasant featured in German
Reformation pamphlets. Think of Karsthans as the representative of the German peasants during the
peasant war. Place these characters, the historical figures as well as fictitious Karthans, in their
historical context? What was important to them? How did their different social status and life
experiences shape their world views and priorities? They each became, in their own way, outspoken
social critics. Compare the aims and spirit of their criticisms. How did they try to realize their goals?
How would have, or did, each of these men have viewed the religious program and actions of the
other two? What does such a comparison reveal about differences bet
ween elite and popular culture? Your paper should be based on careful readings of Wunderli’s
Peasant Fires and the assigned selections of Erasmus, Luther, and the “Twelve Articles.” Place these texts in their historical context by drawing on your textbook, lectures and lecture slides.
You can write your paper as a regular prose essay or, if you like, you can get creative and write a
transcript of a discussion between the three men (maybe in a tavern?). Fun, but perhaps more

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