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Download the case study questions and assignment details here. Click for more options Address each of the following regarding Sarah’s case:
Explain the cause for her low calcium and sodium levels. Explain the cause of her anemia. What laboratory test should indicate she is suffering from anemia? Explain the cause of her hypotension. How will her body attempt to establish homeostasis? What type of acid-base disorder has she developed, and how will her body compensate? Explain the cause of her elevated ADH and glucose levels. What is the correlation between her illnesses and the low vitamins ([1, K, E, and A), renin, and aldosterone levels? , Which hormone would the body elevate in response to her low calcium levels? Why? Explain the physiological reason behind her physical findings (yellowish hint of the skin, sclera, multiple bruises, weakness, and edema). Explain the cause of her abnormal stool and urine sample. What cell does Glisten work on? Explain how this medication is able to stimulate insulin secre Specifics

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