1. Jason Mittell argues that “Complex TV” is characterized by an “operational
    aesthetic” whereby viewers not only take pleasure in a narrative but also in
    learning how that narrative is constructed. Select a television program from this
    mode of storytelling that you think is great. Write an essay that outlines and
    explains why it’s so great by evaluating and analyzing its “operational aesthetic,”
    that is, how the program works. What conventions does it rely on to tell its stories
    and cultivate viewer comprehension? What conventions does it innovate? What
    narrative special effects does it use and to what end? Narrative complexity is an
    achievement; your essay should identify and analyze the process and techniques
    by which your chosen case study achieves its aesthetic success. For your analysis,
    you may consider one program as a whole, or focus on one episode in particular.
  2. When television first emerged as a broadcasting medium, its roots in radio
    combined with its poor picture quality meant that early programming tended to
    emphasize sound over image. Picture quality has evolved considerably since that
    time, and is now able to accommodate more sophisticated visual style, especially
    with the development of ultra-high definition widescreen televisions and HD
    receivers. Some have speculated that as a result, television now prioritizes image
    over sound. Is sound still an (equally) important component of television? If so,
    how? Select a case study (a show or an episode) and evaluate and analyze how its
    particular use of sound operates within the show and how it contributes to a
    larger understanding of television sound.
  3. The aughts, Emily Nussbaum observes, were characterized by a rise in artful
    programming, formal experimentation, and complex storytelling. It was the
    decade that television finally became recognizable as great art. At the same time,
    however, it was also the decade of Reality Television, a decidedly less-esteemed
    and more artless kind of programming. Is this a coincidence? Using a reality
    television program of your choice as a case study, explore the dimensions of the
    reality show format in relation to its conditions of production. Your essay should
    situate the rise and persistence of reality television within the larger economic
    landscape of the television industry.
  4. Live programming has been a feature of television broadcasting since its
    inception. To what extent can television still be considered a “live” medium in
    the wake of the alternative modes of distribution in the post-Network Era? Does
    “liveness” continue to create drama, interest, or value? If so, under what
    circumstances? Using a particular case study (program, episode, special event)
    evaluate the significance of “liveness” to televisual form, and whether or not it
    continues to be a useful concept for understanding television.
  5. What are “Canadian content” regulations? Why do they exist? Outline some of
    the major problems that have faced the Canadian television industry in the past
    with special consideration of the CBC, Canada’s national public broadcaster, and
    consider the new challenges and/or opportunities that the shift to digital
    distribution presents to the protection and promotion of Canadian content and
  6. Over the last two decades, transnational co-production has become the new
    normal for television programming. What exactly are transnational coproductions? Why do they exist? How do they operate in the global television
    industry? Evaluate the financial and cultural benefits and drawbacks of this kind
    of production model using an internationally co-produced program of your
  7. The recent shift towards alternative forms of television distribution has increased
    the quantity of and variety in available content. This has ushered in new kinds of
    niche programming which has not only fostered formal experiments in television
    style and narrative, it has also opened up opportunities for more diversity in
    production and representation. The post-network era has brought increased
    visibility to underrepresented groups. Using a case study of your choice, illustrate
    how a particular program represents through its style and/or narrative a group or
    community that would not traditionally be found on broadcast network television
    in this way. Evaluate the achievements of these representations, and situate your
    case study within the larger shifts in the conditions of television production,
    distribution, and reception.
    Due: March 20, 2019
    Submission: Electronic copy uploaded via Turnitin on the course Moodle Site AND a
    hard copy in tutorial
    Value: 35%
    Length: Approximately 1500 words (excluding bibliography), double-spaced, 12-point
    font, 1-inch margins
    Purpose: This assignment should indicate your ability to make and develop a coherent,
    convincing argument in a clear and concise manner, supported by appropriate sources.
    Television studies is a set of approaches to the study of television; the purpose of this
    assignment is to put these approaches to work and “do” television studies.
    Evaluation: You will be evaluated on how well you are able to communicate what you
    know and show us how you know it. You will be evaluated on how well you are able to
    demonstrate the research, reading, and thinking you have done on your topic, and your
    ability to synthesize these together with relevant examples that show you can effectively
    apply what you have learned to televisual texts.
    Please include a cover page with the number of the question you are answering, the title
    of your paper, your name, your TA’s name, the course number, and your tutorial
    number. A bibliography should be included on a separate page. Please use page
    numbers. You must use a standard citation style and be consistent (preferably Chicago
    or MLA). See: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/resources.html
    You may draw upon the course readings and screenings, however you must also include
    research beyond the course materials. A minimum of 5 additional scholarly sources
    (books or articles) is required. Scholarly sources are peer-reviewed works that are
    approved by a community of legitimate experts. If you are unsure about what constitutes
    an appropriate source, please ask.
    If you are unsure about your choice of program or episode for your case study, please
    consult with us. Ideally you will select a show that you like and are already familiar with:
    the goal is to get you to see your program in a new way by thinking critically about it,
    and situating it within a larger aesthetic, technological, industrial context. In addition,
    whatever program or episode you select for your case study, be sure to describe its
    central conceit and identify its defining features. Assume your reader is not familiar
    with it. In fact, be sure to clarify any and all concepts or terms you use in your
    discussion. If you select a sitcom for your case study, include your working definition of
    sitcom and its characteristics so we can know the extent of your understanding. This
    also helps enrich your discussion with more detail as well.
    Grading Dimensions:
    CONTENT: Have you answered the assigned question? Have you used appropriate
    sources, including course readings and outside sources? Sources grant validity to your
    argument by demonstrating that you have considered the perspective of others on your
    topic. These perspectives can either affirm your argument, or grant you new insights
    that can help you develop your argument.
    ARGUMENT & ANALYSIS: Point + Proof + Explanation. Do you present a coherent
    argument and discussion? A strong argument is focused and precise. It begins from a
    thesis statement. It is a specific answer to a specific question. It is not just a statement of
    what you will do in the essay, it is also a statement of your position on a given topic. The
    goal of your essay is to be convincing. Is your position supported by evidence? Is it
    logically consistent? Does it take into account other major perspectives/counter
    arguments? You need to show that you appreciate your topic’s significance and
    complexity. How you use those sources is equally important. Using quotes effectively
    from your sources is essential to a persuasive essay. Any quote you use should be related
    to an important point that you are making. Make your point, use your quote as “proof”
    or as “illustration” and then explain your point through the quote you have used. Always
    introduce your quotes, and always explain them.
    ORGANIZATION: Introduction + Body + Conclusion. Is there a clear introduction,
    setting out the central topic or question, and an indication of how you will proceed to
    address it? Is there a story? An exposition of ideas, one following from the other in
    logical progression leading to a conclusion?
    STYLE: Grammar, literacy; intelligibility of expression; acknowledgment of sources;
    consistent footnote and bibliography style. Following proper formatting shows that you
    care about your writing, and that you respect your reader. These details may seem
    unimportant but they are rules and regulations that have been set up by the academic
    community for a reason: to make sharing knowledge as effective and as clear as possible.
    If these rules are followed correctly, your reader can focus solely on the important stuff:
    the content of your discussion.
    If you have difficulty with any of the above, we encourage you to make an appointment
    with The Writing Centre http://writing-centre.writ.laps.

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