While viewing Rob Marshall’s 2002 film adaptation of the Ebb/Fosse/Kander script, I’d like you to think about the ways this adaptation plays with conventions set by the musical’s book, considers social issues most present for its audiences, and challenges/disturbs/omits/alters some of what that 1975 telling found most significant to highlight.

In an essay of 750-1250 words, compare the text of Ebb/Fossee/Kander with that crafted by Marshall in his visual adaptation for the screen. Consider both the thematic/literary elements highlighted by the director and his cast and the mechanical or physical ability of the film to stress (or decenter) elements in the script. You may choose to do this in the manner of the critic – considering comparison in a subjective judgment similar to that of the Tony Award committee – or in the manner of the scholar of culture – considering the relevance of the film adaptation to the cultural space in which it was produced for a specific (American) audience.

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