One of the roles of the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is to translate technical jargon into business language that senior leadership and
executives can understand to support business decisions.
As the CISO, the board of directors has asked you to share your ideas for developing a cybersecurity program for the company. The board has specifically
requested that you base your recommendations on the major components that make up a cybersecurity program, including personnel.
Part 1
Develop a 2- to 3-page table in Microsoft® Word that lists the roles and responsibilities of each of the following with respect to security.
Use the following column headings:
Use the following row headings:
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Chief Operations Officer (COO)
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Chief Information Officer (CIO)
Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
Senior Security Manager
Information Security Architect
Information Security Engineer
Information Security Auditor
Information Security Analyst
Security Technician/Specialist
Sample Solution