1. Harold says “It is wrong to take opioids to get high, and also to give or sell them to others for the purpose of getting high.”

According to a simple subjectivist view of moral judgments, what is Harold saying here? What are the implications of this view? Do you think the simple subjectivist view is correct in its interpretation of moral judgments such as this one? Why or why not? Consider arguments on each side of the debate in your answer and show why you view one side as more correct than the other.

2. Harold says “It is wrong to take opioids to get high, and also to give or sell them to others for the purpose of getting high.”

According to an emotivist view of moral judgments, what is Harold saying here? What are the implications of this view? Do you think the emotivist view is correct in its interpretation of moral judgments such as this one? Why or why not? Consider arguments on each side of the debate in your answer and show why you view one side as more correct than the other.

3. Harold says “It is wrong to take opioids for pleasure, and also to give or sell them to others for the purpose of obtaining pleasure.”

According to a cultural relativist view of moral judgments, what is Harold saying here? What are the implications of this view? Do you think the cultural relativist view is correct in its interpretation of moral judgments such as this one? Why or why not? Consider arguments on each side of the debate in your answer and show why you view one side as more correct than the other.

4. Is it wrong to take opioids for pleasure? Is it wrong to give opioids to others, or to sell them to others for the purpose of obtaining pleasure? How would either a Divine Command Theorist or a Natural Law Theorist answer these questions and what would their reasoning be? What are the most important objections that could be raised against the chosen viewpoint? How could the Divine Command or Natural Law Theorist reply to those objections? Overall, are they able to answer the questions in a convincing and satisfactory way?








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